Embedded below, please find a video from yesterday’s consumer electronics show, at which Alice Eve presented details about the just-announced Star Trek Into Darkness app that will roll out on Super Bowl Sunday.The app includes:• An audio scan function that can be turned on to automatically recognize and reward users for watchingStar Trek Into Darkness content on TV and other media;• An image scan function that enables users to interact with images printed or viewable in the real world;• A geofencing function for location-based experiences;• New Star Trek Into Darkness content, such as videos, images and wallpapers delivered directly to users’ mobile devices;• Exclusive opportunities and special offers only available to app users;• One lucky sweepstakes winner will be rewarded with the grand prize of attending the Star Trek Into Darkness U.S. premiere.
Star Trek Into Darkness’s CES Presentation (Video)
Embedded below, please find a video from yesterday’s consumer electronics show, at which Alice Eve […]