
The Fury of Firestorm #15 Explains Captain Atom’s Strange New Status Quo

Spoilers ahead for this week’s The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man #15. You can get a copy here […]
The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man

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#15, just out on a number of digital platforms and in stores in the next eight hours or so, features an issue-long battle between Firestorm, possessed by the mind of Captain Atom villain Dr. Megala, and Captain Atom, returned from his self-imposed exile at the end of his recently-cancelled series.Now, it’s rare that when a major character like Captain Atom loses his monthly he gets to go out on his own terms and simply stop appearing in the universe. More often than not, publishers tend to inject such higher-value properties as his into a team book, or at least make them supporting characters in the series of a character with similar sensibilities. With members of Captain Atom’s supporting cast (and of course his villains) showing up regularly so far in Dan Jurgens’s reinvented take on Firestorm, it seemed as though the stage was being set to incorporate Atom into this series–but that’s not the case.

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