
The Wonder Woman In Batman V Superman Is Different From Solo Film

When Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives in theaters this weekend, fans know they will not […]

When Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives in theaters this weekend, fans know they will not only be meeting the titular heroes as they go to war but also the third integral part of the DC Trinity: Wonder Woman.

The Wonder Woman they meet will be a very established character. That much is clear from the trailers. When we see her again in her standalone film next year, though, she’ll be a long way from 2016.

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“There’s only so much I can say,” Gadot admits. “The Wonder Woman you’re going to see in Batman v Superman is a very different Wonder Woman that you will see in the standalone movie. The Wonder Woman that you see in Batman v Superman is a woman who has been around, and she’s very experienced. She understands a lot about man. Whereas in the standalone movie we are telling the grown-up story. Diana becoming Wonder Woman, and this was a story that was never told before. When she starts this journey, she’s very pure. She’s more naive, she’s this young idealist who does not really understand the complexities of life and the complexities of men.”

Are you excited to see Wonder Woman’s origin story on the big screen next year?

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters tomorrow. Wonder Woman is set for release June 23, 2017.

(source: LA Times)