
Thor The Dark World: Chris O’Dowd Hopes His Cameo Doesn’t Get Cut

A couple days ago we reported on how Chris O’Dowd has a cameo in Thor The Dark World. In a lengthy […]
Chris O'Dowd singing in THE BOAT THAT ROCKED

A couple days ago we reported on how Chris O’Dowd has a cameo in Thor The Dark World. In a lengthy interview in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, O’Dowd again touches briefly on his Thor The Dark World role.Since the role was so small, O’Dowd is hoping that the scene he was part of even makes the final cut. O’Dowd said, “I figure I’ll never [otherwise] be in a superhero movie.”As far as what the role entailed, O’Dowd said, “I don’t know what I’m allowed to say, but essentially I go on a date with Natalie Portaman. That was the sell, and that’s all I needed to know.”Thor The Dark World is set to be released in movie theaters on November 8, 2013.

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