During an interview with Entertainment Weekly conducted before it was clear that Veronica Mars was set to make Kickstarter history, former showrunner Rob Thomas and star Kristen Bell revealed a little bit of information about the plot of the forthcoming super sleuth reunion.The plot, according to a story in copies of Entertainment Weekly on sale now, revolves around Veronica’s ex-boyfriend Logan Echolls. Apparently, in spite of the will of the fans, the pair never ended up together following the events of the Veronica Mars TV series, and now he’s in a bad spot, suspected of the murder of his pop star girlfriend.Presumably, he either rings up his bad-ass Nancy Drew of an ex-girlfriend, or else maybe the murder itself happens at the high school reunion that’s been teased as a key part of the plot.The other big reveal of the article (it was a bit light on the details, given that it was written before the movie was greenlit) was that Thomas and Bell hope to bring some footage from the film to Comic-Con International in July. Since they’ll have started shooting in June, that may be the tightest turnaround of any major production, tighter even than Bryan Singer’s cryptic tease about X-Men: Days of Future Past. Still, there presumably won’t be any need to CG any Sentinels into Veronica Mars, so it’s possible that the film’s dailies could serve as passable footage to bring to Comic Con.Thomas has said that the film is set to be shot in June and July, with San Diego being one of the potential filming locations (which are probably contingent on budget), so it’s not outside of the realm of possibility that fans who bid to be extras in the film could be on-hand at Comic-Con to see themselves on screen a few days later.
Veronica Mars Movie Plot Details, Comic Con Plans Revealed
During an interview with Entertainment Weekly conducted before it was clear that Veronica Mars was […]