
Watch Slave 1 Launch in Post-Jedi Boba Fett Fan Film

Remember when Boba Fett, that mysterious bounty hunter everyone instantly thought was the […]
(Photo: Eric Demeusy)

Remember when Boba Fett, that mysterious bounty hunter everyone instantly thought was the coolest, died like a punk, being thrown into the Sarlacc pit? Well, so does Eric Demeusy (and his small team of filmmakers), who decided to give Fett a new fate in the form of a fan film.

The film is light on exposition and plays it fast and loose with logic, but it does offer a look at Boba Fett and his ship, the Slave 1, that could easily be carried into the future of his movie appearances. Demeusy’s description of the film says it takes place 30 years after falling into the pit. Now, the pit is already a logic hole, as the Sarlacc apparently “digests you over a thousand years,” which would be hard to do as decomposition would take care of you long before that; now Boba Fett is to have survived those conditions for 30. Okay, okay, it’s just for a fan film. Check it out here:

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Rumor has it Boba Fett will star in one of the “Star Wars Story” films, resting outside of the core Episode movies, though that will likely take place before the original trilogy, not after it. With twenty or so books wearing the “Journey to The Force Awakens” banner starting this Friday, though, there could be an answer to Fett’s fate hidden somewhere in there sooner than we think.