It’s new comics day here at, and we’ve got the 10 books you should make some time for this week.
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Of course, there are way more than 10 books on the store shelves worthy of your time and money, so before we get to the top 10, here are the honorable mentions this week.
Doomsday Clock #2 is written by Geoff Johns with pencils by Gary Frank and colors by Brad Anderson. The official description is included below.
“DC and Watchmen characters collide at last! The story that began in DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 comes to a thrilling and unexpected crescendo in the pages of this titanic twelve-issue series by the all-star team that brought you BATMAN: EARTH ONE and SHAZAM! In this second chapter: The Dark Knight discovers another relic from the Watchmen world. Lex Luthor pays a devil’s bargain. And killer clowns trek through Gotham seeking a madman.”
Spider-Men II #5 is written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Sara Pichelli, and you can find the official description below.
“The pulse-racing final issue! Peter and Miles are faced with their toughest challenge yet, and it’s one that challenges far more than their super hero skills. If you thought the end of the first SPIDER-MEN series was huge, brace yourself.”
X-O Manowar #10 is written by Matt Kindt with art by Renato Guedes, and you can find the official description below.
“Wanted dead or alive by the galaxy’s deadliest band of mercenaries!One does not rise to power without making enemies along the way…and for X-O Manowar, the armored emperor of the planet Gorin, those enemies’ grievances have now come due. To end his reign, Aric of Dacia’s adversaries have paid a blood-fueled bounty to a ragtag assemblage of the cosmos’s most feared undesirables and cutthroat killers โ alien beings whose viciousness is matched only by their greed. And their hunt startsโฆnow. Meet the most feared band of trackers the Valiant Universe has ever known right here as New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (ETERNITY, Mind MGMT) and blockbuster artist Renato Guedes (DIVINITY #0, Wolverine) present a bruising, standalone interlude for the year’s most acclaimed comics epic!”
Hit the next slide for this week’s top picks!
Matt Mueller: ‘Nightwing and the New Order’ #5

Dick Graysonย will have to appeal to friends turned enemies if he wants to save his son, and that means coming face to face with Superman.
Graysonย is the reason Supermanย is depowered, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a threat. At this point though, it doesn’t really matter, as his son’s life is all that matters. Hopefully, he can convinceย big blue to his side, but they won’tย be able to do anything if they can’t beat Mr. Freeze.
Nightwingย The New Order hasย been quite the entertaining rollercoaster ride since issue #1, but fans have been waiting to see Superman return, and now they’ll finally have their chance.
Nightwing and the New Order #5 is written by Kyle Higgins with art by Trevor McCarthy. The official description is included below.
“After a stunning revelation about the nature of Jake’s powers, the former Titans head to Metropolis to join forces with the one person who they believe they can restore the world’s superpowersโthe depowered Superman! Caught between his old friends and the new order he created, Dick Grayson refuses to let his son become a weapon for either sideโฆbut is it even his choice anymore? How far will Dick go to protect his son?”
Nightwingย and the New Order #5 is in stores now, December 27.
J.K. Schmidt: ‘Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey’ #1

The original Phoenix is on her way back to the Marvel Universe, and it all starts here!
It’s been a long time since fans have seen the original Jean Grey, and her journey back to the world will be as epic as you’d expect. Few things inspire more genuine love and fear than the name Jean Grey, and it is time to welcome the longtime X-Man home.
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1 is written by Matthew Rosenberg with art by Leinilย Francis Yu. The official description is located below.
“She will return, like a Phoenix from the ashes. Years ago, Jean Grey died and the X-Men mourned her. Since then, the world has changed, her teammates have lived without her and died without her. And now, when strange events start happening all over the world, those teammates can only come to one conclusion โ the one true Jean Grey is back!”
Phoenixย Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #1 is in stores today, December 27.
Charlie Ridgely: ‘Thanos’ #14

Thanosย has managed to acquire great power, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy.
Far from it actually. Despite having immense power at his disposal Thanos’ victory lapย around the universe isn’t as delightful as he hoped, and he will be faced with his greatest disappointment, one that will surprise even him.
Thanosย #16 is written by Donny Clay Catesย with art byย Geoffrey Shaw and a cover by Geoffrey Shaw. The official description is included below.
“Thanos has journeyed to the end of time to the moment of his complete victoryโฆand he’s not happy with what he sees! Writer Donny Cates and artist Geoff Shaw (God Country) continue the tale of the Mad Titan’s greatest glory and ultimate shame!”
Thanosย #16 is in comic shops today, December 27.
Matt Mueller Round 2: ‘Go Go Power Rangers’ #5

Rita will always be a threat to Angel Grove, but the Rangers seem to be at each other’sย throats lately more than hers.
The Rangers are still getting used to this whole “Earth Protector” thing, and it doesn’t help that they now have someone amongst them trying to break up the team from within. Matt’s life hangs in the balance, but you can’t save someone you don’t know is in danger.ย
Go Go Power Rangers #5 is written by Ryan Parrott with art by Dan Mora and colors by Raul Angulo. The official description is included below.
“As the Putty Infiltrator shifts between teachers, parents, and friends, the Rangers have to question who they can trustโif they can trust anyone at all.”
Go Go Power Rangers #5 is in stores today, December 27.
Russ Burlingame: ‘Action Comics’ #994

Superman and Booster Gold make their way through the universe, and it seems they’ve upset some people along the way.
Well, at least one person, and they’ll finally learn the identity of their attacker in issue #994. Someone’s been tripping them up as they get closer to finding out the truth behind Mr. Oz. Is it someoneย who doesn’t want them to find the truth or just someone who doesn’t like them going through time like it’s a library?
Who knows, but fans now have the chance to find out!
Action Comics #994 is written and drawn by Dan Jurgens, with colors by Hi-Fi and inks by Johnny Desjardins, Joe Prado, John Trevor Scott, and Art Thibert. The official description is included below.
“BOOSTER SHOT part two! It’s the time-hopping team-up of Superman and Booster Goldโand on their quest to verify Mr. Oz’s identity, a mysterious force attempts to sabotage the journey! This time (pun!) our heroes wind up in the crosshairs of a deadly new villainโthe time wraith responsible for their tumultuous journey!”
Action Comics #994 is in stores today, December 27.
Jenna Anderson: ‘Batgirl’ #18

It seems you just can’t have a nice holiday party in peace these days, at least when you live in Burnside.
For Batgirlย the interruption comes in the form of Harley Quinn, who decided to not just spike the punch but infected the whole party with a virus. Even for Harley, that’s just rude…
Batgirlย #18 is written by Hope Larson with art by Sami Basri. The official description is included below.
“It’s the holiday season in Burnside, and everyone is getting into the spiritโฆincluding Harley Quinn! After the maid of mischief infects Barbara Gordon’s company party with a killer virus, Batgirl must embark on a wild-goose chase around the city to find a cure. The clock’s tickingโwill our hero save the day in time?”
Batgirlย #18 is in stores today, December 27.
Matt Mueller Round 3: ‘Moon Knight’ #190

Moon Knight does his best to manage the voices in his head, but his world is about to get a sizeable shakeup.
Max Bemisย and Jacenย Burrows’ phenomenal run on Khonshu’sย frayed avatar Moon Knight continues, and issue #190 delivers in every way. Get ready for a wild ride, because you haven’t seen anything yet!
Moon Knight #190 is written byย Maxim Bemisย with art byย Jacen Burrows. The official description is located below.
“CRAZY RUNS IN THE FAMILY Part 3! Moon Knight and the Sun King’s orbits are on a collision course! Marc’s good relationship with his other personalities shows signs of fracturing. And Sun King reveals his secret weapon!”
Moon Knight #190 is in stores today, December 27.
Chase Magnett: ‘Punisher: The Platoon’ #4

Ennis and Parlov are not simply telling a great Punisher story in the pages of The Platoon, they’re telling a great war story, one that rivals their previous MAX collaboration of Fury.
As the story of Frank Castle’s first tour in Vietnam hits its midway point, the tale is engaged with all of its characters and the ugliness of the fight on both sights. It’s a gripping tale about the very real costs of war and how it changes those involved forever and not for better.
Punisher: The Platoon #4 is written by Garth Ennis with art by Goran Parlov and colors by Jordie Bellaire. You can find the official description below.
Frank Castle arranges for his platoon to spend some R&R in Saigon, but that can’t be all Frank has planned there, can it? If NVA General Letrong Giap’s plans succeed, Frank and his crew may not have a base to return toโฆ
Punisher: The Platoon #4 is in stores today, December 27.
Megan Peters: ‘Jessica Jones’ #15

Jessica Jones is about to have a reunion she always dreaded, and the Marvel Universe better brace for impact.
The Purple Man is back, and bad things always seem to happen when he’s around. What he wants from Jessica now is unknown, but all she knows is it can’t be good for anyone, and it falls to her to stop him. That’s easier said than done, and the odds aren’t exactly in her favor.
Jessica Jones #15 is written by Brian Michael Bendisย with art by Michael Gaydosย and a coverย David Mack. The official description is located below.
“RETURN OF THE PURPLE MAN Part 3! The Purple Man is back–and he’s wreaking havoc across the Marvel Universe! What curious thing does he want from Jessica Jones, and can she escape his horror? From the original creators of Jessica Jones comes the most terrifying villain return of the year!”
Jessica Jones #15 is in stores today, Decemberย 27.
Jamie Lovett: ‘Batman Creature of the Night’ #2

The reimagining of the DC Universe continues in Creature of the Night #2, where destinies are a bit in flux.
That even goes for Bruce Wainright, who is starting to discover his power. You might assume that means he’ll use those powers to benefit mankind, but nothing is taken for granted in this universe, and the young Wainrightย will have to make a final decision about what he wants to be.
Batman: Creature of the Night #2 is written by Kurt Busiek with art by John Paul Leon. The official description is included below.
“In a world where Batman is only a comic book character, young Bruce Wainwright is starting to feel a surprising strength and power grow inside him…and after years of mourning the loss of his parents, that power feels good–intoxicating, even! The question is, to what use will he put it?”
Batman: Creature of the Night #2 is in stores today, December 27.