DC Makes a Major Change to Batman Incorporated

Ghost-Maker leaves Batman Incorporated on their own in the series' final issue.

Since its founding, Batman Incorporated has functioned as a unique ensemble in the DC mythos, offering a globe-spanning take on Gotham City's Dark Knight. This year, a new incarnation of the team has been operating, led by Batman's long-lost childhood ally, Ghost-Maker. With this week's issue, the latest era of Batman Incorporated — and it left the team on unique footing. Spoilers for Batman Incorporated #12 from Ed Brisson, John Timms, Rex Lokus, and Clayton Cowles below! Only look if you want to know!

The issue sees the team dealing with the final stand against Joker Incorporated, as they try to outsmart the evil group's scheme without killing them — or innocent civilians in their wake. After successfully disarming the bombs in the various Jokers' heads, Ghost-Maker calls a team meeting, and reveals that his view of the entire organization as changed. Even though Batman gave Ghost-Maker his blessing to continue the team — albeit with a no-killing rule — it has become clear to Ghost-Maker that that viewpoint is unsuccessful. He walks away from the team and asks them to "stay the hell out of" his way. That doesn't lead to the dissolving of Batman Incorporated, however, as the bulk of the team (minus Clownhunter, who chooses to live as an ordinary civilian) decides to operate independently.

(Photo: DC)

What's Next for Batman Incorporated?

This new status quo is a compelling turning point for Batman Incorporated, as the group has largely been associated with the leadership of other characters, whether they be Lex Luthor, Batman, or Ghost-Maker. Now, the group has an opportunity to operate independently — and also has a major conflict with Ghost-Maker, if they cross paths once again. While there's no telling what book will explore that future story, it could lead to some fascinating plotlines.

"What I wanted to do was, since this is Ghost-Maker taking over Batman Incorporated, as anyone who's had a job in the past where they love their boss, and then all of a sudden they get a new boss, and there's always that adjustment period," Brisson previously said of his approach to the series in an interview with AIPT. "And I feel like everyone always hates the new boss, and I want to show nobody trusts him as a new boss. It's him having to prove himself, sort of worthy of leading the team and being in charge while also kind of not caring if they like him or not. So it's not necessarily an easy pairing because Ghost Maker doesn't care what people think about him. He is more about efficiency and getting the job done as effectively as possible. And doesn't have much time for feelings or any of that sort of stuff, which already will cause and is causing some internal conflict with the team. It doesn't help that their first mission shines a spotlight on Ghost-Maker's shady past and maybe even points a couple of fingers at Ghost-Maker in the process.

What do you think of this new change to Batman Incorporated? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!