The DC All-In publishing initiative has been giving readers back many, many parts of the DC Multiverse they loved and this new era gave fans a huge gift — the return of Renee Montoya as the Question. The once and present Question has been given the job of protecting the Justice League Watchtower, and she’s had her work cut out for her in The Question: All Along the Watchtower. The Cyborg Superman has escaped from the Phantom Zone, targeting the Watchtower in an effort to kill himself, his main goal in life, and hurting Superman and his friends. Cyborg Superman was already out of the Question’s league, but once he revealed his power to control the minds of others, things went from bad to worse. The Question: All Along the Watchtower #5, by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, and Raul Fernandez, sees the Question jump into battle against her teammates, including the woman she loves — Batwoman.
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The Question and Batwoman’s reunion comes after years apart. The two of them were brought together in 52, when Renee first became the Question and the new version of Kate Kane was introduced. Their relationship was a major moment in the bringing in of more LGBTQ+ representation into comics, and their return is something that everyone has wanted for a very long time.
The Question Is Able to Use Love to Save the Day

The issue begins with the Question up against hard odds — the mind-controlled Animal Man, the Blue Beetles, Nightshade, and Batwoman, the team that she was given when she was made into the sheriff of the Watchtower. The Question is able to handily defeat each of them, as she’s realized that the more people the Cyborg Superman controls, the worse he controls them on an individual basis. However, there’s one person she doesn’t want to face and that’s Batwoman. The Question knows Batwoman better than she knows anyone else, as Batwoman knows her. The Question runs off, using a tracker given to her by Jaime Reyes to find a way to send the Cyborg Superman back to the Phantom Zone. Batwoman gets the drop on her and the Question has an idea. Violence is what has allowed the Cyborg Superman to take control of everyone, so she decides to go in another direction with Batwoman.
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Kate Kane was Renee Montoya’s first love. They met years before either of them were involved with superheroes and stared a relationship, one that was ended because Renee felt that Kate’s life had no direction or purpose. They met again when Renee and the original Question were on the case of the Crime Bible in 52 and after the death of Vic Sage, the two of them started to work together. Since the last time they saw each other, Kate had changed a lot; after Batman stopped her from seriously injuring a mugger, Kate realized that she could use what she learned during her childhood to become a vigilante. She took up the mantle of Batwoman as Renee Montoya became the new Question, and the two of them made a great team until their break-up. When the Question found out that Batwoman would be on the Watchtower, her anxiety hit double time because she still loved Kate. So, with her idea that violence wouldn’t work to break Cyborg Superman’s hold on Batwoman, she used love instead, kissing Batwoman like she wanted to kiss her for years.
The Question and Batwoman Prove That They’re Still an Amazing Team

The first time readers saw the Question and Batwoman team up they took down Intergang, which is usually a Superman-level job. They are an amazing team when they’re on the same page and the Question’s kiss is enough to snap Batwoman out of her mind-control. The two of them immediately fall into their old rhythm, working together to stop the self-destruct sequence with the help of the returning original Question. While they’re able to save the Watchtower, the Cyborg Superman isn’t beaten yet, leading to the next issue’s finale.
Getting to see the Question and Batwoman back together is something that DC fans have wanted for a very long time. Both the Question and Batwoman looked like they were on the road to big things, but the New 52 ended all of that; Renee was no longer the Question and Batwoman’s series was canceled, her relationship with Maggie Sawyer unceremoniously ended before they could married, a major blow to DC’s LBGTQ+ representation. The two of them back together is a step in the right direction and hopefully this time, DC will give them the fairy tale ending they deserve.
The Question: All Along the Watchtower #5 is available where ever comics are sold.