
Did DC Just Make a Fan-Favorite Animated Romance Comic Book Canon?

The romance between John Stewart and Hawkwoman is finding new life in Green Lantern Corps.

Image Credit: Warner Bros. Animation

One of the popular romances in the Justice League Unlimited animated series is starting to blossom in the comics. John Stewart became a household name after being the primary Green Lantern on Justice League. The animated series introduced John Stewart to a new audience which quickly fell in love with John’s growing romance with Hawkwoman, aka Shayera Hol of Thanagar. They’ve both fought together on the Justice League in the comics, but a recently launched series appears to be drawing inspiration from the cartoon show to revisit John Stewart and Shayera’s relationship with a new lens. WARNING: Spoilers for Green Lantern Corps #2 below.

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Green Lantern Corps #2 comes from the creative team of Morgan Hampton, Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Arif Prianto, and Dave Sharpe. It begins with John Stewart leading a squad of Green Lanterns to the ruins of Thanagar after the planet was decimated in the Green Lantern: Civil Corps Saga. Luckily, Shayera was in the Altar System when Thanagar was wrecked, but when they arrive at the planet they find half of it is missing. Former United Planets leader Thaaros was able to bring the Red Rage out of the living Green Lantern planet Mogo, causing the massive Green Lantern to strike out against Thanagar.

Atrocitus and his Red Lanterns are drilling a hole in Thanagar, so while Kilowog and Razer keep an eye on the Red Lantern leader, John Stewart and Hawkwoman sneak into Atrocitus’ ship. Right before they’re almost discovered, Hawkwoman pushes John into a storage bay where the romantic tension rises to Level 10.

John Stewart and Hawkwoman’s Justice League romance heads to the comics

image credit: dc

John Stewart and Hawkwoman get up close and personal inside the storage bay. The page foregoes any text to show John and Shayera chest to chest. While it appears they’re gazing into each other’s eyes, John’s eyes are drawn as if he’s looking above Shayera, as if he’s afraid to lock eyes with her. However, Hawkwoman is definitely making eye contact with John.

They eventually leave the room and go back to their mission. Atrocitus is attempting to steal a massive load of Nth metal from inside Thanagar. When John Stewart and Hawkwoman make it inside the engine room on Atrocitus’ ship, they find Red Lantern Zilius Zox being used as a power source. John Stewart and Hawkwoman finally throw down with Atrocitus, with Green Lantern Corps #2 ending with an Nth metal sphere falling away from Thanagar.

Are John Stewart and Hawkwoman going to become a couple?

image credit: warner bros. animation

The Justice League Unlimited animated series never made John Stewart and Hawkwoman an official couple, but there were examples that had the series continued, they would have ended up as one. One instance is when John Stewart was thrust into the future and got to fight side-by-side with Batman Beyond and the Justice League Beyond. A member of the Justice League Beyond is Warhawk, the son of John Stewart and Shayera Hol. So at some point in the future, the two Justice League heroes consummate their relationship, resulting in the birth of Rex Stewart.

Justice League Unlimited tried to spark a relationship between John Stewart and Vixen, to throw a little love triangle in the mix for added drama. This relationship didn’t last, with John and Shayera always destined to be together. Whether or not the comics mirror the animated series remains a mystery for now. War can make for some strange bedfellows, so any sparks that fly can be chalked up to the passions of war.

Fans wanting to see more of John Stewart will want to check out the upcoming Lanterns show on HBO. Aaron Pierre is playing John Stewart, with Kyle Chandler portraying Hal Jordan.