Man of Action Entertainment has provided with an exclusive look inside of Wednesday’s Immortal Sergeant #2, coming from Image Comics, writer Joe Kelly, and artist Ken Niimura. In the issue, readers get to meet Sarge’s son and his family.
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In Immortal Sergeant, Det. Sgt. Jim Sargent does not want to retire. He does not want a gold goddamn watch. He’s a cop and will be until Satan’s balls freeze off! But the state says different, and seventy-five year old Sergeant Sargent (He’s heard the jokes… just call him Sarge.) will hand in his badge and gun. However, the night before his retirement dinner, fate offers Sarge a surprise.. Michael, Sarge’s emotionally scarred, video game designing son, has trucked the whole family in for dad’s retirement and refuses to let the old man be.
“Issue one gave a pretty detailed picture of Sarge, like him or hate him, so it’s time to round out the cast,” Kelly told “Issue two introduces Michael, Sarge’s son who’s also a strange, illustrated combo of myself and Ken. (Ken’s good looks, my neuroses!) Michael is a video game designer who’s career hasn’t quite taken off yet, so he’s supported by his wife, Val, an attorney. They are a loving couple, but things get strained whenever they have to deal with Michael’s family – especially Sarge.”
In Immortal Sergeant, Kelly and Niimura, who previously collaborated on I Kill Giants, reunite for a new, creator-owned adventure. The pair are kind of a dream team, with Kelly’s work in Big Two comics and on television making him a household name for superhero and animation fans, while Niimura’s work has been translated into 12 different languages and earned him an Eisner Award in 2018 — the same year a feature film version of I Kill Giants, with a screenplay by Kelly, debuted starring Guardians of the Galaxy and Avatar star Zoe Saldana.
You can check out the preview pages and solidication text for Immortal Sergeant #2 below.
Diamond ID: DEC220248
BUYCover price: $3.99
I KILL GIANTS storytellers JOE KELLY & KEN NIIMURA return to yank on your heartstrings with IMMORTAL SERGEANT!
Michael and the family arrive to celebrate Sarge’s retirement. A parade of familial dysfunction heavy drinking inappropriate behavior and dinnertime crime stories ensues. Let the masterclass in bad parenting begin!
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