The Batman Star Robert Pattinson Was Terrified He'd Lose the Role Because of Rumors

Well before Robert Pattinson was ever confirmed to be the next actor to play Bruce Wayne for Matt [...]

Well before Robert Pattinson was ever confirmed to be the next actor to play Bruce Wayne for Matt Reeves' The Batman, the actor was facing rumors about his involvement with the film. Though Pattinson's involvement has since been confirmed by the filmmaker, the actor, and Warner Bros. Pictures, there was a time when Pattinson was still hopeful to get the gig and worried that it wouldn't actually happen. The actor just revealed that the spectacle surrounding his casting as Batman made him nervous that he'd get turned down for the role.

During a discussion with Time Out, Pattinson explained that the questions he received while promoting his film The Lighthouse caused him to fear that he might miss out on playing the Caped Crusader.

"I hadn't even done the audition," Pattinson explained. "It's just nerve-wracking because I was really excited about it and you think: really, is this how I'm going to lose this role? It's the most annoying circumstances to lose something."

He added, "Everyone was like: 'Is that true, is that true?' And it wasn't true at the time, I hadn't got the job. It was pretty terrifying."

Pattinson previously earned the ire of fans when he told the New York Times that Batman was not a hero, putting him in an uncomfortable spotlight once again.

"Batman's not a hero, though. He's a complicated character," Pattinson said months ago. "I don't think I could ever play a real hero—there's always got to be something a little bit wrong. I think it's because one of my eyes is smaller than the other one."

This caused him to recognize the intense scrutiny that seems reserved for every Batman actor.

"I wasn't educated about the subject," Pattinson said to Time Out. "People got very angry about it. It's bizarre. I still can't understand the argument. Okay, he's a superhero, I'm sorry! The next headline: 'Pattinson retracts: Batman is, in fact, a superhero. He takes it back.'"

The actor previously told The Times that he's afraid of saying the wrong thing and setting off Batman fans.

"I just fear that when I say anything about Batman, people online are like, 'What does this mean?' And I don't know! I used to be very good at censoring myself, but I've said so many ridiculous things over the years, so I'm always curious when I'm promoting these movies how many times I can mess up. It feels like with every movie that comes out, there's always one quote from me where it's like, 'How? What kind of out-of-body experience produced that screaming nonsense?'"

The Batman premieres in theaters on June 25, 2021.