'Black Lightning': Khalil's Fate Revealed in "The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Three: Angelitos Negros"
After spending several episodes on the run from both the law and Tobias Whale, Black Lightning's [...]
After spending several episodes on the run from both the law and Tobias Whale, Black Lightning's Khalil had to face the consequences of his actions on tonight's episode, titled "The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Three: Angelitos Negros."
The episode sees Khalil and Jennifer finally tiring of being constantly on the run, and trying to make a plan to resolve their issues without bloodshed.
Spoilers ahead for the episode, which aired tonight.
After coming incredibly close to being "found" by Lynn, Jennifer and Khalil decide to make their way home. The plan? Khalil will take his chances by turning state's evidence and testifying against Tobias Whale.
As you can imagine, that did not go as easily as he might have hoped. While they got Jennifer home safe and sound, and then arranged a deal with the police and FBI, one of the assistant district attorneys sent the rendezvous information to Tobias, who had Cutter go, kill all of the SWAT and FBI agents transporting Khalil, and kidnap him.
In Tobias's lair, Khalil was cornered, and Tobias told him that if he refused to walk with giants, then he would crawl with snakes -- then he reached into Khalil's back and tore out the implant that allowed the young man to walk again after he was shot back in season one.
With his "gift" from Tobias duly removed, Khalil was left, bleeding and helpless, in the street, only to be discovered by members of a local church, who reassured him that help was on the way.
In a trailer for next week's episode, we see Khalil getting medical care. It is not yet clear whether they will try to repair the spinal implant so that he can walk again, or whether they are just trying to keep him alive -- although given that Khalil is likely facing jail time once he is recovered, the latter seems much more likely than the former.
Black Lightning steps into the time slot vacated by DC's Legends of Tomorrow, which will take an extended hiatus and come back later in the year to end its fourth season. In the meantime, Black Lightning will wrap up its season and bring on the first on-screen appearances of Lightning, Jennifer's costumed identity.
Black Lightning airs on Monday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT, following episodes of Arrow on The CW.