Harley Quinn gets a new creative team with issue #28 this month when writer Tini Howard and artist Sweeney Boo take over from Stephanie Phillips, but that’s not the only big change coming from the fan favorite character. DC recently released its upcoming June solicitations, and it sounds like Harley is getting a mech suit, too. According to the listing for Harley Quinn #31, there’s a lot going on in Harley’s world in the issue that goes on sale on June 27th, including Harley getting to be the protagonist of a mecha story. You can check out the details below.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Written by TINI HOWARD
Art and cover by SWEENEY BOO
Variant cover by JENNY FRISON
1:25 variant cover by DERRICK CHEW
1:50 variant cover by FILYA BRATUKHIN
DC Pride connecting variant cover by CLAIRE ROE
$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 6/27/23
Well, here I am trying to convince this talking rabbit not to kill…wait. What?! Ivy’s home?! Aw crap—I gotta clean up the apartment and hide all the plants I ruined. Maybe I should hire a bunch of sexy apartment cleaners? Eh, Ivy would probably want to be here for that…Okay, it’s up to you, Bud and Lou! Eat all the trash! Go, go, go, go, my babies!
Plus, it’s the anime event of the century as I dream about my life as the protagonist of a mecha story! Time ta get in the freakin’ robot!
Read on for a look at the cover and variant covers for the issue.
Main cover by SWEENEY BOO

1:50 variant cover by FILYA BRATUKHIN

1:25 variant cover by DERRICK CHEW

Variant cover by JENNY FRISON