Did DC Just Bring SPOILER Back From The Dead?

Ultimately it wasn't the Justice League, Batman, or even the Suicide Squad who took down [...]

Ultimately it wasn't the Justice League, Batman, or even the Suicide Squad who took down Deathstroke, but the Teen Titans. Of course, they only planned to take him down and imprison him, not kill him, but that's what happened after he took an arrow to the head. Since then the villain community has reacted in a variety of ways, and the heroes who know about what happened have also responded in some unexpected ways to the Teen Titans, but it seems there's yet another twist in this ongoing saga. Spoilers incoming for Deathstroke #46 so if you haven't read the issue yet you've been warned.

Since Deathstroke's death, Jericho has blamed himself for putting Red Arrow in the position to shoot Deathstroke, and so he recently took her captive in order to save her from those coming after her. He also recently revealed that he took technology from Lex Luthor and has become more powerful but not without consequences, including his skin turning blue. Towards the end of this issue, he says he's going to give the powers back, and then things flash over to Hosun, who is trying to track down Rose for him.

Jericho tells Hosum that he now sees where Deathstroke fits in the order of things and that his absence has thrown the balance off. Hosun then returns to his apartment to find Deathstroke laying on the floor and says "Jeez Joseph...be careful what you wish for."

(Photo: DC)

The title of the next story is Born Again, so we're betting that in some form or fashion Deathstroke will live once more. You can check out the spoiler images above and below.

Deathstroke #46 is written by Christopher Priest and is drawn by Fernando Pasarin with inks by Cam Smith and colors by Jeromy Cox. The official description is located below.

"It's all-out war between Rose and Jericho in the wake of Deathstroke's murder. Rose is hell-bent on punishing the one responsible for Slade's death, while Jericho will stop at nothing to prevent further bloodshed, even if it means using Lex Luthor's gift—an immense power upgrade—to bend his sister's will. As Jericho takes a dark turn…will the ends justify the means? Or is Jericho's path to villainy only just beginning?"

Deathstroke #46 is in stores now.