“All Doll’d Up” starts with Barry and Iris trying to get a hold of Nora, to no avail. An alert goes off, somebody’s stolen a Monet painting from a local museum. Barry’s chasing the dirtbike-driving culprits and Nora hops on the comms, offering to help. She races on the scene and cuts Iris off. Barry and Nora stop the thieves.
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Back at STAR Labs, Iris yells at Nora for cutting her off and Nora unleashes on her, saying she never changes. Iris storms off and upset and Barry tells his daughter to focus on how Iris is now and not what she turns into in the future.
Sherloque is looking over maps with Caitlin, Cisco, and Ralph โ the group is still trying to locate Caitlin’s father. Cisco offers to use his powers, even though they’re not working fully. Cisco sees Thomas Snow in an office of some sort, he’s working on some equations on a chalkboard. The group comes to the decision that Thomas must work at Hudson University.
Elsewhere in Central City, a soon-to-be-married couple are looking through engagement presents when one of the boxes opens and Rag Doll climbs out. With the couple out of the room, Rag Doll steals all of the jewelry. As he leaves out the window, he’s seen escaping by one of the lovebirds.
The next day, Barry’s examining the scene as Iris questions the victims outside.
Nora’s complaining about her parents to Cecile, reminds her they’re doing everything out of love. Nora’s complaining wears on her step-grandmother so Cecile makes her put together a baby crib out of punishment.
The team gets a key to Professor Stein’s old office at Hudson and they go there to try finding more info about Thomas. There, they find an equation that hints that Thomas knew Caitlin had a metahuman inside of her the whole time growing up. Cisco reassures her that her double personality isn’t the reason why Thomas left.
Cisco uses his powers again to vibe and get more information and afterwards, he notices his hands are starting to bleed.
At STAR Labs, Barry’s trying to examine the hair found at the scene but the equipment is unable to locate any DNA.
Elsewhere, a real estate developer at Seaver Architects is talking about building a high rise in Gotham when Rag Doll morphs out of the air vent. Barry and Iris are alerted to a bomb threat called in at the building and when Barry arrives, he witnesses Rag Doll climbing back into the vent.
Barry saves the architect and the building blows up.
At STAR Labs, Barry informs Iris of the meta he saw at Seaver Architects and the two run diagnostics to find out the meta’s name is Peter Merkel, the son of an affluent business woman.
Barry and Iris dress up to attend a dinner Merkel’s mom is hosting later that night. The two instantly approach Theresa Merkel and she knows they’re there on assignment. She tells them she hasn’t seen her son in over two years.
Caitlin examines Cisco at STAR Labs and informs him that the cuts on his hands are being affected by the dagger Cicada cut him with. Caitlin gets upset that Cisco had been helping her all day even though it was hurting him and the two have a heart to heart about their friendship.
Later that night, Barry and Iris continue their talk about Nora. Iris can’t help but compare herself with her own mother. Barry reminds her that should stop worry about who she might become and instead focus on who she is now.
Cecile and Nora are bonding over the crib and Cecile keeps telling her stories about her father. Before long, Nora realizes that the stories aren’t about Barry โ rather they’re about Iris.
Barry’s researching the case at home when he begins hearing a noise. Iris gives him a call and the two are voice chatting when Rag Doll sneaks in and knocks Barry out.
Iris rushes to STAR Labs and assembles the team, informing them that Merkel took Barry. Ralph’s the only metahuman the team has access to now so he and Iris rush off the find Barry.
Barry wakes up on the top of a skyscraper with power-dampening cuffs on. Rag Doll is tormenting him, threatening to push him over the edge. Barry distracts him long enough for Iris and Ralph to get there and a standoff ensues.
Caitlin calls Nora and tells her about the situation.
Back at the skyscraper, Rag Doll pushes Barry over the edge and Iris jumps off after him. She’s able to unlock Barry’s handcuff and he uses the building to speed down the building. Nora arrives just as the two reach the ground and Nora sees her mother save her father’s life.
Ralph tackles Merkel off the side of the building and they handcuff him with Barry’s cuffs.
The team gathers back at STAR Labs and they’re gushing over Iris’ actions. Nora splinters off from the group and Iris finds her in the basement writing in her journal and the two make amends.