Tonight’s episode starts with a musical montage showing all the various people of Team Flash thinking about the time left before Savitar is supposed to murder Iris.HR and Tracy Brand are continuing to work on a solution, Cisco receives a text from Felicity Smoak saying she hasn’t found a solution yet, and Joe and Wally embrace.
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Iris begins recording a video in bed to Barry, before it cuts off and we see the title card.Shortly thereafter, Barry and Cisco are talking with Lyla Michaels outside of ARGUS headquarters.She reveals that they have a power source from the Dominators attack during the events of the Invasion! crossover.
Lyla mentions that she can’t trust Barry with the power source and that they’ll need to find another way to power their Speedforce trap.
Back at STAR Labs, Barry tells the rest of the group that he wants to break into ARGUS.Cisco points out the fact that the spy group has a power-dampening device that weakens all metahuman powers, so they won’t be able to phase through the walls.After talking about how secure it is, Barry makes the decision to enlist the help of a certain enemy:Captain Cold.
Barry travels back to 1892 to approach Leonard Snart, who reluctantly agrees to help.Barry brings him back to STAR Labs and shares his plan with the rest of the team and they seem generally alright with it.
Killer Frost approaches Savitar and the latter reveals he still plans on murdering Iris.After all, if Iris isn’t murdered, then Savitar will cease to exist.Savitar suddenly gets a vision that Barry had begun working with Captain Cold, and realizes that the two plan on stealing a power source from ARGUS.
Captain Cold begins shares his thoughts on where the power source could be stored and the team prepares for their departure.Barry tells Joe to take Iris far away because if he knows where she is, then Savitar knows where she is.
We see Harrison Wells working on a project on Earth-2 as a portal opens up as Joe, Iris, and Wally can be seen vibing through.
It’s revealed that Barry used HR’s face-swapping technology to break him and Captain Cold into ARGUS HQ.After a brief mishap by not knowing the security words, Barry overpowers the two security guards checking IDs.
On Earth-2, Joe and Iris begin swapping secrets they’ve kept from each other.Iris says she used to sneak out when she was younger and had Barry cover for her.Joe shares that he took some of the money he was saving for Iris and Barry’s college tuition and spent it going on a Blues Cruise.
In the basement of ARGUS, Barry and Snart walk down a hallway where various criminals are kept.We see nametags of the various villains captured and held in cells there:Grodd, Cheetah, and Cupid.
They find where the power source is being kept and although it’s protected by a door and lock worth over $10 million, Snart picks the lock in seconds.The two begin to enter the room as they’re quickly stopped by King Shark.
Barry is able to persuade Snart to let him use the cold gun, as he feels the only way to get the power source is to use it to kill King Shark.Snart’s able to use scientific knowledge about sharks to persuade Barry not to kill him, rather they can rig the gun to make it just cold enough for King Shark to fall asleep with no real damage.
AT STAR Labs, HR and Tracy share a brief moment in which HR asks her to work with him.She accepts and the two embrace and kiss.
Barry and Snart are able to get King Shark to fall asleep and the two enter the room where the alien power source is kept.Barry pulls the source out of it’s stand and an alarm starts going off as the door closes.Barry is able to slide under the door just before it closes as Snart gets locked inside.Cisco is able to hack into the main frame and open the door to let Snart get out.
On the way out, King Shark reaches under the door to grab Snart’s leg and drag him back into the room.Fortunately for the pair, the door closes on King Shark, severing his arm.
As they begin walking away, Barry and Snart are approached by Lyla and some ARGUS guards, they’ve been caught.In Lyla’s office, she explains that Barry could have left Snart behind but he stayed and made sure they both got out.Lyla then gifts the power source to Barry.
A speedster rushes into STAR Labs and asks where Iris is being kept, when HR reveals she’s being kept on Earth-2.The speedster then turns around to reveal his scarred face, it’s not Barry.It’s Savitar.
They relay to Harry on Earth-2 that Savitar is on his way and Harry, Joe, and Wally begin to prep for Savitar.After a quick fight โ one in which Wally is severely hurt โ Savitar takes Iris and vibes through a portal away from Joe and Barry, who was too late.
HR and Cisco are talking in STAR Labs and HR expresses how he feels after accidentally telling Savitar where Iris was.HR keeps reiterating that it’s all his fault.Cisco gives him a pump up tlk and begins walking away.As he nears the elevator, Cisco has a vibe in which he fights Caitlin/Killer Frost.Barry talks him into going to talk to Caitlin and stopping her from fully becoming Killer Frost.
The group travels to Infantino Street and begins readying themselves for Savitar.
In the forest, Cisco approaches Killer Frost and she says she doesn’t want to fight him, she wants to kill him.
Back at Infantino Street, Savitar shows up with Iris.He drops Iris and offers Barry a chance to catch him.Barry uses the Speedforce trap and it ultimately doesn’t work. Savitar picks Iris up like we’ve seen in the future visions.
Savitar pulls at his knife and as Barry begins to race to him, we see the video Iris recorded in bed earlier:wedding vows.Savitar stabs Iris and she falls into Barry’s arms.

MORE FLASH NEWS:The Flash Releases King Shark Poster / The Flash: Savitar’s Real Comic Twin Wasn’t a Villain / The Flash: Who Is Bart Allen? / The Flash: Savitar’s Origin Revealed