Is Zack Snyder's Final Crisis Tease Tied To Jim Lee's Crisis Tease From DC Fandome?

Last night, filmmaker Zack Snyder shared a photo from his Thanksgiving dinner, and immediately got the internet talking. The photo included, blurry and in the background but undeniable, a copy of Absolute Final Crisis, one of the most popular recent stories featuring the character of Darkseid, who was introduced on film in Zack Snyder's Justice League. Fans started to speculate as to whether this could mean Snyder was planning some kind of follow up...but we're taking that question one step further: could
Snyder's Final Crisis tease have something to do with Jim Lee's Crisis on Infinite Earths mosaic from DC's recent FanDome event?

It seemed unlikely that Lee is teasing anything, if you take the image at face value. The image (seen below) features TV and film versions of the heroes -- a tweet he made later revealed that even the very comic book-accurate Superman were intended to represent Superman & Lois -- but also retains the credit to Marv Wolfman and George Perez from the original comic book cover. It also includes characters from DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Superman & Lois, who already lived through the Arrowverse adaptation of the Crisis once. Nevertheless, Lee left things intentionally vague when talking about the "puzzle" at FanDome.

"We wanted to create something kind of fun for the fans to engage with. It's simply a puzzle," Lee explained during the event. "I've drawn 12 images, each celebrating a specific DC moment...we're revealing the final four now during FanDome, so if you take all 16 and rearrange them, and kind of squint, hopefully you'll kind of see what we've been building up to."


It's hard to ignore these two odd, Crisis-related teases coming in close proximity to one another. Certainly it's a stretch to think that this would be the way Warner Bros. would announce a big-budget feature film, but it is not outside of the realm of the imagination that something could be going on. For instance, there have recently been official DC comics released, set in the universe of Tim Burton's 1989 Batman movie, Richard Donner's 1978 Superman film, and the Justice League Unlimited animated series. Could we get a Snyderverse comic? Certainly a number of DC artists have experience working on the exclusive comics created for Dr. Pepper, General Mills, and other third-party partners.

Final Crisis was a 2008-2009 comic book crossover event from DC, which as promoted as "the day evil won." It centered on Darkseid successfully finding the Anti-Life Equation and using it to enslave millions of people on Earth, before being turned back by the heroes of the DC Universe. Along the way, Batman died -- something that Snyder had long hinted was a long-term plan for his version of the DC Universe.

What do you think? Are we grasping at straws, or might there be a chance that these two teases are somehow connected? Let us know in the comments.