Red Hood and Nightwing are very, very bored. The DC characters are played by Freddie Prinze Jr. and Jon Lee Brody in an ongoing series of hilarious videos called Super Stakeouts from GEGGHEAD, and this time they’ll do just about anything to pass the time.
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While waiting to capture their latest criminal, the two heroes engage in a classic game of “Rock Paper Scissors.” Of course, grumpy old Red Hood does not like losing nor does he enjoy calling the game by its common title. As always, Nightwing is just trying to stay positive while being unable to stop himself from correcting Red Hood at every turn.
GEGGHEAD was founded by Prinze Jr., Brody, and Clare Grant, and features ongoing sketches such as Superhero Casting Call and F*@# Deadpool. They also have tons of gaming content, including GEGG WARS, a Star Wars Table Top RPG Series featuring Prinze Jr. and the cast of Star Wars Rebels.
GEGGHEAD has graced us with plenty Red Hood and Nightwing content, including stakeouts that involve the characters arguing about the Batmobile, debating the merits of calling 911, and beatboxing to the Backstreet Boys. They’ve even taken a break from staking out criminals in order to visit 1966.
Brody, a producer, actor, and director who has had cameos in films such as Furious 7 and Star Trek Into Darkness, spoke with about the Super Stakeout series and what GEGGHEAD has in store for its audience.
“Definitely plans for more stakeouts,” Brody shared. “You haven’t seen the last of the odd couplings of Nightwing and Red Hood! And who knows, you might see others on stakeouts too!”
When asked why they chose these specific characters, Brody says he’s “always loved Nightwing.” Prinze Jr., on the other hand, is a newer fan.
“Freddie was always primarily a Marvel guy. When we were first starting GEGGHEAD we started spitballing ideas. And I filled him in on Red Hood. He really got into it and then naturally we said ‘why not make a whole thing of Nightwing and Red Hood together’”, he explained.
Speaking of being a Marvel guy, Prinze Jr. recently learned that he was featured in an Ultimates comic back in 2002.
Prinze Jr. recently wrapped production for I Mom So Hard, a new film from Dan Scardino. You can also catch him at the upcoming Star Wars Celebration in Chicago. To find out information about his photo ops and signings, click here.
Outside of GEGGHEAD, Brody’s latest project is Office Uprising, an action/comedy/horror film he executive produced that features Brenton Thwaites, Zachary Levi, Jane Levy, Alan Ritchson, and Karan Soni.
What other DC characters would you like to see in a stakeout? Tell us in the comments!
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