Suicide Squad's Cara Delevingne Shows Off Incredible Talent

While she might not have magical powers at her disposal like the Enchantress, Suicide Squad's Cara [...]

Cara Delevingne
(Photo: Warner Bros.)

While she might not have magical powers at her disposal like the Enchantress, Suicide Squad's Cara Delevingne does have the underappreciated power of balance.

Her balancing skills were featured on an Instagram post the actress shared, showing her laying flat on the floor with a water bottle placed on her forehead. She then gets all the way up, stands, and then gets back down on the floor flat on her back without the bottle falling off.

After the first victory, she then gets up again and starts to dance, never losing control of the bottle. Pretty impressive right? I've never been that great at this type of thing, as I tend to lose balance when there is no wind or movement to speak of even close to me, so paint me impressed.