
New League of Legends Announcer Pack Now on PBE

A new League of Legends announcer pack has been spotted on the PBE that replaces the base […]

A new League of Legends announcer pack has been spotted on the PBE that replaces the base announcer with two professional shoutcasters.

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The voices David Turley and Sam Hartman-Kenzler, better known by their professional names Phreak and Kobe, are the ones that PBE players will hear on the test servers if they elect to turn on the announcer pack. Both casters are featured in the Phreak and Kobe announcer pack, and players can toggle it on or off if they wish to go back to the default announcer.

A video from Skin Spotlights can be seen above with each one of the announcer pack’s lines heard. The video runs for just over 30 minutes, and despite the pauses between the quotes, the announcer pack appears to cover just about everything players would need to hear from minions spawning to first blood to acing the entire enemy team.

At the moment, Riot Games doesn’t appear to have officially shared news on the announcer pack, so all that’s known now is that it’s there on the PBE for players to enjoy. It’s free on the PBE as well, but it’s unclear whether the announcer pack will also be free for players once it hits the live servers or if it will even be sold at all. Different announcers has been an occasional treat from Riot during special events, but it’s unknown if this voice pack will be a permanent addition or a temporary one.

If it is an announcer pack that’s here for good, that’ll be one more thing off of players’ most-wanted list. Riot Games just may be looking to slay another League of Legends meme by expanding into the announcer pack realm and offering additional announcer packs for different champions or casters. Giving away a Phreak and Kobe announcer pack at no cost and then moving onto other for-profit announcer packs that can be purchased with RP seems like surefire way to peak players’ interest and get them to buy a voice pack for Draven, Ganplank from the Bilgewater event, or any other number of ideas. Who wouldn’t want a Bard announcer pack with different chime noises or a booming “ootay” when you get a pentakill?

The Phreak and Kobe announcer pack is currently on the PBE for testing, but if you don’t have a PBE account, you can listen to the video above and imagine those quotes playing in your game. Look for more info from Riot Games in the future as they explain what the plan is for this announcer pack and possibly more.