Silver Sable's Storyline In 'Marvel's Spider-Man" Was Originally Bigger

Silver Sable and her sizable role in Marvel's Spider-Man is just one of many examples of Insomniac [...]

silver sable spider-man

Silver Sable and her sizable role in Marvel's Spider-Man is just one of many examples of Insomniac Games taking a lesser-known character and giving them prominent parts, with the biggest example being Mister Negative.

That said, originally, Silver Sable's storyline and role in the game was even bigger than it was once the game shipped. However, over time, Insomniac reduced the role in favor of making sure the story wasn't convoluted with too many names and moving parts.

"It was really hard. I mean I would say -- the story is really, really big, and there's a lot of characters, and there was a lot of times where we would be putting the game together, and I was like, well this don't make sense," said Creative Director Bryan Intihar while speaking to Kinda Funny Games. "There was too much going on -- we would have to strip some stuff out. There were characters we had to strip out...I would say Silver Sable's storyline was originally a little bit bigger, and it was just making things way too complicated."

Intihar notes that at the end of the day they decided to dial some story content back in order to keep things more simple and less disjointed, which perhaps sheds light on why, for the most part, the game's story largely focused on a handful of characters rather than try and throw every villain Spidey has ever thwarted into the game.

Personally, I loved Silver Sable and how Insomniac Games handled the character and her role, but now I can't help but wonder about what almost was. Hopefully we see more of the character in the near-future.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available, exclusively for the PlayStation 4. For more news, media, and information on the title and all things Spidey, click here.

And as always, hit that comments section and let us know what you think. Were you happy with Silver Sable's storyline, or do you think it could have been bigger and more fleshed out? Do you want to see more of the character in the future? And do you think Insomniac did a good job in bringing the mercenary to life?