
‘Sega Genesis Classics’ Confirmed for Nintendo Switch

It was revealed today that Sega Genesis Classics is coming to the Nintendo Switch, and it’s set to […]
Sega Genesis Classics

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Nintendo Switch previously announced Sega Ages games, Kid Chameleon, Sonic the Hedgehog ToeJam + Earl

The games will feature co-op support for local play, though there’s no word if there will be online. More than likely there will be, as other compilations, like today’s release of Capcom Beat-Em-Up Bundle, are taking advantage of that feature.

In addition, Sega will include a number of features that were previously included with other versions of Classics, including the ability to “rewind” games, along with unlockable achievements and mirror modes, as well as a virtual game room, where you can collect items and take a good look at your gaming collection however you see fit, right down to the classic Sega Genesis games.

This is good news for those of you that have been waiting to celebrate the classics in the best way possible, including favorites like Streets of Rage 2, Gunstar Heroes, and Ristar, which will see the light of day on Nintendo Switch for the first time ever, along with other favorites.

What’s more, Sega has confirmed that the game will see both a digital and physical release when it’s slated to arrive this winter, so that collectors can add it to their line-up if they see fit. You can see that debut box art below!