
‘Fortnite’ Flossing Apparently Causing Widespread Knee Problems

No matter where you go these days, there’s almost always someone flossing there. Grocery store? […]

No matter where you go these days, there’s almost always someone flossing there. Grocery store? There’s a kid a flossing. A Park? There’s multiple kids flossing. A playground. It’s flossing as far as the eye can see. And apparently this is good business for orthopedic doctors.

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For those that don’t know: Floss is a dance move where a person repeatedly swings their arms, with clenched fists, from the back of their body to the front, on each side. The dance went viral after Russell Horning (Backpack Kid) performed it during an episode of Saturday Night Live in 2017.

Then when Fortnite blew up — it features the dance as an emote — it went to new levels of viral. Today, it’s perhaps the most popular and recognizable dance, and anywhere in the world, at any moment, you can find people doing it randomly, especially kids.

That said, apparently the difficult dance move is causing health concerns. According to a new story by the Mirror, medics are warning that the dance’s popularity has resulted in a substantial increase in cases of “floss knee.”

The story features a physician by the name of Ed Thompson, who reveals that he has seen a spike in the number of cases of people complaining about pain on the inside of the knees.

“Flossing involves a very lateral movement from left to right, but the knee is made to move in a hinge motion,” said Thompson.”This movement isn’t normal so can cause pain. When people come into my practice complaining with pains in the inner knee, they believe it’s because of dancing. When I press them on the dance moves they use, it tends to be flossing.”

The knee specialist from Instant Physio in London said the phenomenon is similar to “Blackbery Thumb” and “iPad Shoulder,” unique pains caused by the widespread adoption of new electronic devices.

“People move their bodies, especially their joints, in ways that they are not meant to and this can cause pain,” said Thompson while talking about the issues with the dance.”

So, there you have it folks. If you see somebody flossing, do your due diligence, and let them know not to floss too hard or too often or they will ruin their knees. Hopefully, if enough of us do this, we can put an end to flossing. Its time has come.