Each of Apex Legends’ various characters have unique abilities, and while some are better than others, Mirage is one Legend who’s frequently brought up as a candidate for better abilities.
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Since Apex Legends only has eight different Legends to pick from right now, Mirage stands out among the rest whenever the community voices its suggestions and concerns. Mirage is Apex Legends’ version of the trickster archetype and uses his abilities to deceive opponents, or in his words, to bamboozle them. He doesn’t always do that though with only one core ability being the one that’s used most effectively, so players have ideas for how he can be improved.
Some of the best ideas can be found below starting with a breakdown of the issues players actually have with the current state of Mirage.
What’s Wrong With Mirage?

So what’s the issue with Mirage’s abilities? If you’ve played as him, you’ve probably already know where he falters, but if you haven’t all you need to know is that he’s only got one ability that’s truly useful.
His Passive ability makes him somewhat stealthy when downed and created a clone where he was standing as the real Mirage is outlined like a white, ghostly figure and attempts to crawl away. The first issue with this ability is that it requires Mirage to go down to be used when Mirage players would prefer not going down in the first place. It’s also easy to distinguish between Mirage’s clone and the real Legend after you’ve seen the ability a few times.
His Ultimate creates a ring of clones around him as he goes invisible, but again, Mirage isn’t totally removed from sight. Instead, the ability masks him with the same translucent color that’s still easily noticed by enemies. The worst part about this move is that Mirage can’t cancel it easily nor can he perform basic actions like picking up a teammate’s banner or shooting at enemies. Not always an effective escape tactic, his Vanishing Act ult has been relegated to a gap-closer.
If you’re going to play Mirage, his Tactical ability called Psyche Out will be the go-to move. It sends out a holographic decoy which will stop in front of walls, death boxes, or wherever a players sends it, and it’s Mirage’s primary method for bamboozling people. It’s his best ability, but many consider it to be his only effective one as well.
Mirage’s Passive

One suggestion for his Passive ability called Encore is that Mirage should instead have multiple effects on that one ability. It might sound like an overload, but players pointed out in a thread discussing the Legend that Lifeline technically has three different effects on her Passive. One suggestion said Mirage should become invisible when looting death boxes, an effect that would play up Mirage’s trickster personality.
Whether the Passive is updated to have multiple effects or is simply improved, it’s clear players have opinions about it. The post where players discussed that ability is bordering 8,000 upvotes on the Apex Legends subreddit with many players contributing to the discussion.
A Better Ultimate
I really like this dudes idea for a rework for Mirageโs (currently pointless) Ultimate from r/apexlegends
From that same discussion about Mirage’s Passive emerged a suggestion for a better Ultimate. It didn’t get much attention in the initial thread, but a separate post highlighting that ability now hovers above 21,000 positive votes.
Reddit user CDHarris proposed the new Ultimate seen above that would have Mirage create a “brief visual distortion” that would spawn multiple Mirage clones. After appearing, each one would perform one of several randomized actions to mimic what an actual player would do and bamboozle enemies on a greater scale.
Many Ideas for Fixing Mirage’s Ultimate

One of the best breakdowns of why and how Mirage’s Ultimate can and should be improved was shared much closer to the time the game released, to give an idea of how quickly players noticed the ability’s missed potential. A player broke down why Mirage’s Ultimate wasn’t effective by saying it didn’t make him truly invisible, the clones weren’t believable, it’s basically an announcement that people should look for the real Mirage, and the Legend can’t cancel it.
To fix it, the player proposed quite a few suggestions. These ranged from allowing Mirage to exit his Ultimate by shooting, making the clones run around so that they’re not just standing still, and keeping the ability’s cloaking effect but making the white discoloration only noticeable when someone’s near the real Mirage.
A More Team-Oriented Ultimate
Mirage is classified as an offensive Legend, but this one suggestion from another player would make his Ultimate much more useful for his teammates.
A visual demonstration for how Mirage’s Ultimate could be improved shows how it would get teammates out of tricky situation with some tricks on Mirage’s part. Depending on how many allies are within the radius of Mirage’s proposed Ultimate, it would create multiple clones that would scatter out of the ring in different directions. If you could imagine a team being stuck behind a structure or trapped in a house with enemies kicking down the doors, you can see how this ability would be an effective one.
Respawn hasn’t committed to changing any parts of Mirage’s kit just yet, though it does already have plans for adjusting Legends in Season 1, so perhaps Mirage’s abilities will be up for discussion at some point.
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