Blizzard Has Big Plans For The Overwatch Universe

Overwatch was one of the biggest and most successful games this generation on PS4, Xbox One, and [...]

(Photo: Blizzard)

Overwatch was one of the biggest and most successful games this generation on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. And despite being almost three years old, it still commands a large and passionate player base, partially because it's a Blizzard game, but also because it has been supported really well. And so it should probably come as no surprise that Activision Blizzard has some very big and ambitious plans for the game's universe. What this means, is anyone's best guess, but it's exciting for Overwatch fans hoping for more content beyond just support of the current hero shooter.

"Last quarter I talked about how we have very large ambitions for the Overwatch universe and how it can develop over time," said Blizzard boss J Allen Brack while speaking to investors during a recent earnings call. "Overwatch is a huge tentpole franchise for Blizzard and we're continuing to dedicate the resources and the attention, so that we can continue to grow the community and the franchise over time."

To achieve this, Blizzard is starting this year by adding new maps, new heroes, and "new experiences" to the game. However, the team isn't just working on supporting the hero shooter, according to Brack, it is also working away on some other work. Unfortunately, Brack didn't say any more than this, but this sounds like it could be a brand-new game in the Overwatch universe.

Whatever the case, it's obvious that plans for Overwatch go way beyond the current 2016 shooter. The question now is: what form will this come in? Other types of media? A direct sequel? A completely different spin-off game set in the Overwatch universe? It's hard to say, but "ambitious" seems to suggest more than simply a sequel.

Overwatch is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At the moment of publishing, there's been no word of a Nintendo Switch port. For more news, media, and information on Overwatch, be sure to check out all of our previous coverage of it by clicking right here. And, as always, don't forget to leave a comment or two with you thoughts or let me know over on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_. What would you like to see Blizzard do with the Overwatch universe?


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