
Big Apex Legends Update Coming Next Week, Here’s What It Does

Today, Respawn Entertainment revealed that Apex Legends’ next update will hit PS4, Xbox One, and […]

Today, Respawn Entertainment revealed that Apex Legends’ next update will hit PS4, Xbox One, and PC “early” next week, presumably on Tuesday or Monday. And in addition to announcing the release window for the game’s first update in quite some time, Respawn also provided the patch notes.

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First up, there’s some big audio fixes and improvements. According to Respawn, this update will address the issues of sounds dropping out, sounds missing for extended time, or the distortion that happens to sound in the game sometime. More importantly though, the volume of close proximity footsteps has been increased so you can hear if players are sneaking up on your more easily. Also the game volume has been lowered, meaning the character select screen won’t be so loud and the end drop sequence won’t be as loud either.

Here’s more notes on the audio fixes:


  • Lowered the master volume of all sounds during the character select screen through the end of the drop sequence.

  • Lowered the volume of Wraith’s ambient kunai knife sound for those who are sensitive to the sound. If it is still bothersome we will remove it in a later patch.

  • Increased the volume of close proximity enemy footsteps for all Legends.

  • Increased the priority of enemy footsteps to ensure the sounds play even in heavy combat situations.

  • Slightly lowered the volume of Pathfinder footstep sounds heard from the first person view.

  • Fixed missing or quiet dryfire (out of ammo trigger click sound) and low ammo (the progressive change in sound that the gun makes as the magazine approaches empty) sounds for the R301, Hemlok, Flatline and RE45.

  • Increased the volume of the music that plays when winning a match.

  • Added more detailed audio to the Training mission.


  • Fixed occlusion bug for the “wind down” sound for the Havoc.

  • Fixed issue with automatic weapon fire sounds occasionally getting stuck on, usually after a Legend respawns.

  • Fixed bug with RE45 missing tail sounds (the echo in the environment after the shot) when in close proximity.

Next up we got changes to help hit registration. Basically, Respawn has updated its back-end so that it can detect and pinpoint common registration issues. Right now, it believes a lot of the issues reported come down to bad Internet connection, but it knows there’s still issues in this department, and that’s why it’s trying to collect more data.

There’s also a fix to a bug impacting certain PC players, a Lifeline banner bug on PS4, plus the following:

  • Fixed issue with the Fortified Passive ability for Gibraltar and Caustic where they would take damage through shields.

  • Fixed the bug that allowed players to stick objects to Gibraltar’s Gun Shield.

    • Admittedly it’s been fun to see the results of this but the behavior is not intended by design and could get out of control. Items will no longer stick to Gibraltar’s Gun Shield, however, it will now deflect Arc Stars.

  • We have identified some issues with -novid, and will be disabling the flag until we can address the issues. Thank you for your patience.

Again, the full patch notes are linked above, so if that’s what you’re looking for, scroll back up to the top. Meanwhile, for information, media, and news on Apex Legends, click here. And, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think or hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ to talk all things Apex Legends.