
Pokemon Sword and Shield Theory Explains Why Sirfetch’d Is Exclusive to Pokemon Sword

Pokemon fans believe they know why Sirfetch’d will be exclusive to Pokemon Sword. Last week, the […]

Pokemon fans believe they know why Sirfetch’d will be exclusive to Pokemon Sword. Last week, the Pokemon Company officially revealed Sirfetch’d, the long-awaited evolution to Farfetch’d. This brawny Fighting-type Pokemon is not only a Galarian regional evolution (meaning that it can’t be found outside of the Galar region), it’s also exclusive to Pokemon Sword. While fans were delighted by the new Pokemon and his steely gaze, they were perplexed why Game Freak would make the Pokemon exclusive to one of the games. Sirfetch’d will clearly be a fan-favorite, so there’s no clear reason why half of the people buying the new Pokemon games won’t have ready access to it.

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However, the answer might be hidden in a past announcement for Pokemon Sword and Shield, one that took place over the summer. In one of the early trailers for the game, The Pokemon Company announced that Pokemon Sword and Shield would have version exclusive gyms. In Pokemon Sword, players will battle in a Fighting-type gym lead by Bea, while Pokemon Shield would have a Ghost-type gym led by Allister. Since Sirfetch’d, a Fighting-type Pokemon, is exclusive to Pokemon Sword, he could be Bea’s signature Pokemon, which would explain why he’s exclusive to that game.

Since Sirfetch’d is exclusive to Pokemon Sword, it stands to reason that Pokemon Shield will have an equivalent version exclusive Pokemon. And if the new theory is correct, it means that we could see a Ghost-type Pokemon that serves as Allister’s partner. We’ll have to find out if the theory is correct in the coming weeks, as Pokemon Sword and Shield come out on November 15th.

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