The Culling 2 Developer Says It's Time for "Difficult Decisions"

07/23/2018 04:41 pm EDT

Xaviant, the developer behind The Culling and the follow-up battle royale game The Culling 2, says that it's time for "soul searching" and "difficult decisions" about the future of the studio.

Launching just a few days ago, The Culling 2 hasn't been faring well so far. Refer to the game's Steam page and you'll see that it's sitting uncomfortably at a "Very Negative" review score with phrases like "cash grab" and "hot trash" being thrown around amid accusations that the game's a sellout compared to the first, an attempt to latch onto the battle royale craze by conforming to the gun-laden formula.

Looking at the game's Steam charts doesn't paint a prettier picture. Showing that the game launched to a couple hundred concurrent players playing on July 10 via Steam, Steam Charts showed how quickly the player count dropped after the release. The day tapered off to just three players at the end of the night with the game still yet to hit double digits again since it's been out.

Seeing these stats gives the most recent tweet from Xaviant a bit more context. On July 12, not long after the game launched, Xaviant shared a message that said it was time for the developer to do some internal talking about what the future holds for the studio.

The official Twitter account for The Culling 2 shared a tweet that carries a similar message albeit in a more humorous way with a fitting gif of the burning "this is fine" dog gif. A bit of banter with Twitter replies with another gif didn't land as well with players with many looking for answers instead of humor.

Gripes with The Culling 2 aside, the game was poised to receive this kind of backflash since the end of The Culling's development, a decision that left many players feeling burned. Launching from early access last year, the game was fully out for just a few months before Xaviant announced that the team would be moving onto a new project with no further content planned for the battle royale game. Fast-forward several more months and you've got The Culling 2 and the future of the developer in question.

Xaviant didn't provide a timeframe for when more info would be available, but more updates should be coming soon once the soul searching is complete.

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