Developer Blue Box Game Studios has had a tumultuous past week. Despite previously shooting down rumors and allegations that the studio could somehow be involved with developer Hideo Kojima or Konami’s Silent Hill franchise, fans have been running rampant over the past week claiming that its upcoming game, Abandoned, is somehow tied to the aforementioned entities. Now, prior to the reveal of a new trailer for Abandoned later this week, Blue Box is again trying to quell fan theories to the best of its ability.
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Taking to Twitter this afternoon, the studio again tried to separate itself from the rumors that have only continued to grow over the past few days. Although it didn’t mention Kojima or Silent Hill outright, Blue Box tried its best to be clear with those following its moves. “We wanted to answer the rumours one last time. We are a small indie studio with actual real people. Working on a passionate game,” the studio made clear. It went on to say that it intends to hold a live stream of some sort in the near future so that fans can ask any lingering questions that they might have. “We just want to set expectations,” the message ended by stating.
We wanted to answer the rumours one last time. We are a small indie studio with actual real people. Working on a passionate game. We want to do a Livestream with a Q & A in were you can ask all your questions to clarify every confusion & rumours. We just want to set expectations.
โ BLUE BOX Game Studios (@BBGameStudios) June 21, 2021
This whole situation is definitely one that has gotten a bit out of control over the past week. Even though Blue Box may have accidentally led some fans on in some instances with some choice tweets, many of the correlations that fans have been drawing between Abandoned and Silent Hill are nothing more than conspiracies.
At the very least, Blue Box has said that it now intends to release a new trailer for Abandoned later this week on Friday, June 25. When that happens, we should know for certain whether or not fans were actually onto something with this situation, or if it was instead nothing more than excitement that went a bit out of control.