Activision Not Too Fond Of Dog Clean-Up Company: Call Of DooDee

Love it or hate it, you know what Call of Duty is. Everyone does, regardless on whether they have [...]

call of doodee

Love it or hate it, you know what Call of Duty is. Everyone does, regardless on whether they have ever even picked up a CoD title themselves. With a large fan-base and a long-standing history, it's no surprise that some business owners might want to capitalise on that. It should be even less of a surprise that Activision is not happy with this move.

Enter Call of DooDee, the clever name for a dog poop cleaning service that's not too hard to differentiate where they received their inspiration. The subject matter of the business itself in relation to the franchise is something that we're not even going to touch. Activision may not find the situation humorous, but you can bet we got a chuckle out of it. Someone who is not laughing however, is the Illinois business owner that filed the initial trademark.

According to a recent post on Resetera:

"On June 16, 2017, an Illinois citizen filed in the US via the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) a trademark application, US Serial Number 87493505, for "Call of DooDee" under Goods and Services for Dog waste removal services. An express abandonment for the application was received in the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) of the USPTO on October 24, 2017, however the application was published for opposition on October 31, 2017."

Activision has until the end of the year to file their formal opposition. Failure to do so means that Call of DooDee could be here to stay (everyone cross your fingers). At the end of the day, just picture this: there are a bunch of lawyers and higher-up execs talking about dog poop. If that doesn't brighten up your week, we don't know what will.