Animal Crossing: New Horizons latest update is now live on Nintendo Switch, a day earlier than it was promised. Unfortunately, Nintendo hasn’t published the patch notes for the update yet, which means we don’t know all the finer details of the update, though this should change very soon. That said, while we don’t know every diminutive detail about the update, we know all about the new content it adds for free.
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For one, we know the update will add Leif’s Garden Shop, which means nature-loving Leif will now visit players’ islands to sell his collection of foliage, including shrubs and flower seeds. In other words, if you want to make your island greener, Leif will be your dude.
On top of this, Jolly Redd will now also show up on player’s islands, though less frequently than Leif. With him will be his boat to sell in-game art, as well as furniture boasting unique colors. That said, like in previous games, players will need to figure out on their own which art pieces are real and which are phony. If players choose correctly, they can then donate the art to the island museum to open an art gallery.
In addition to this, the Bank of Nook has lowered interest rates. For the inconvenience, players will be given a free rug and a world map.
Lastly, the update will kick off Nature Day in the game, which will run until May 4. During this period, special Nook Miles challenges will be available that focus on nature-inspired goals. For example, players may be asked to plant a certain amount of trees or water flowers in need of a good watering.

Meanwhile, looking ahead to May and June, players can look forward to the May Day Tour, International Museum Day, and much more.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available on the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo Switch only. As mentioned above, the patch notes for this update are not live, but expect an article for them once they are.
For more coverage on Animal Crossing: New Horizons — including recent news, rumors, and leaks — be sure to take a moment and check out all of our past and all of our most recent articles about the game by clicking right here. Meanwhile, as always don’t forget to leave your thoughts and hot takes in the comment section or, alternatively, in my Twitter notifications @Tyler_Fischer_. Have you jumped into the new Animal Crossing update yet?