Apex Legends is a pretty complete battle royale experience, even if its first Battle Pass is by definition, underwhelming. The game is largely balanced, it isn’t plagued with bugs or performance issues, and most importantly, it’s a lot of fun. But if we’re being nit-picky, the game’s looting could be much better. More specifically, looting death boxes could be a lot better. Right now it’s pretty clunky and the UI is too slow in conveying information. Again, it’s not a glaring issue, but it’s one many players have noticed and are starting to complain about. That said, remedying this shoudn’t be very difficult. In fact, one player has already come up with a design that would be a substantial improvement on what’s currently in the game.
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Reddit user “Baby_Pigman” (likely a Caustic player), has come up with a simple but effective solution for looting death boxes: giving players different UI options to let them choose what they like best.
As you can see, there’s a UI option there for every type of player. And it doesn’t have to be these UI options specifically, but if Respawn Entertainment added any type of death box UI options, it would go a long way.
The improvements don’t end there though. Another issue that makes looting tedious in the battle royale game is finding out who has what ammo. It could and should be easier to communicate what ammo types you have to your squad. And what makes this issue particularly bothersome is that it’s very easy to fix, as Reddit user “Bitchaloid” points out with their post.
Suggestion: Can we have an ammo type indicator in your HUD? So we know what kind of ammo to ping for teammates. from r/apexlegends
Apex Legends is available, for free, via the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more news, media, and information on the popular battle royale game, be sure to take a quick peep at all of our previous and extensive coverage of the title by clicking right here.