There’s a storm brewing in Apex Legends, or that’s at least what appears to be happening based on some official and unofficial teasers shared over the past few weeks. The latest of those teasers went live this week and pointed more directly towards what players can expect with a weather warning plainly saying now that there’s some sort of stormy weather event coming soon. Respawn Entertainment hasn’t said when, exactly, that event will get underway, but datamining efforts have given us a better idea of what the event will look like in terms of when it’ll start and how it’ll progress.
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On Thursday, the Apex Legends Twitter account shared the image below of a display on Storm Point that warned of a weather event. It’s worth noting that the screen says the threat level for this weather event is “Standard” right now, so perhaps we’ll see this Storm Point event be one that develops over time with the storms progressively getting worse as opposed to a one-and-done event that stays the same for the rest of the season.
Storm Point is meant to be a “long-forgotten IMC research base” and is filled with POIs tied to the weather like Lightning Rod, Gale Station, Storm Catcher, and Thunder Watch, so it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say that we’re probably overdue for a storm event by now seeing how the map was first added back back in Season 11. This week’s teaser points more plainly towards what’s happening, but it’s not the first time that we’ve heard of such a thing coming to the map.
Back when the game’s maps updated mid-season in June, players noticed that the sky of Storm Point had changed. Couple that with datamining efforts that suggested a weather event was on the way, and it was clear Respawn was setting up for something.
So, when will this weather event happened? We’ve got around a month to go in the current season, so as mentioned previously, this could be an evolving weather event that progresses on Storm Point before leading up to a big finale. Apex dataminer KralRindo indicated as much recently, too, with findings that showed the event beginning on July 14th with various stages of progress scheduled for the weeks afterwards.
Respawn has not said anything officially beyond what’s in the teaser above, so keep an eye on the skies of Storm Point to see what’s coming next.