'Apex Legends' Needs To Nerf The Wingman

In the early days of the Apex Legends meta, besides the legendary weapons, it looked like the [...]

In the early days of the Apex Legends meta, besides the legendary weapons, it looked like the Peacekeeper was on the top of the wish list of every hopeful player dropping into the hot zone or rushing into the final encounter of the game. But now it looks like the Peacekeeper was simply a false flag: and the real apex weapon is actually the Wingman.

One of the best parts of Apex Legends is the incredible gun balance Respawn Entertainment has achieved out of the gate. Unlike the Legends themselves, every gun feels as viable as the next with only a few exceptions. And a lot of this is because each gun has its own drawbacks that don't make it universally great for every situation.

For example, the Peacekeeper doesn't have great range, it's slow to shoot, and it's susceptible to randomly doll out 12 damage. Meanwhile, the Devotion is lethal at close range once it's spinning up, but it takes awhile to get there, especially without any attachments. Every gun has its drawbacks, except the Wingman.

The Wingman is powerful, has terrific range, and has quickly become a favorite from the competitive scene down. And the more the Wingman gets praised and dominates, the louder cries for a nerf have gotten. Heck, even Shroud is calling for it, despite his aimbot-like skills being the perfect match for the heavy pistol.

Close-range? It's great. Long-range? It's great. It really has no drawbacks. Some will say it requires a lot of accuracy, but its fire-rate doesn't require you to thread the needle with every shot. It's slower than many weapons, but it's not terribly slow, besides when you can deal out upwards of 100 damage (with the right Hop-Up) with a single shot, you don't have to hit many to down your opponent.

Further, you have to be accurate with every weapon in the game, so I wouldn't really call it a drawback unique to the Wingman. Sure, it requires it more than many weapons in the game, but it's not like there's a scarcity of accuracy among players, many of which have probably played a lot of shooters over the years.

If you're not going to nerf the gun itself, at least nerf its drop rate. It's everywhere. There's never been a match where I thought to myself while I was looting, "man, it would be nice to have a Wingman right now." I come across more Wingmans then I know what to do with.

You know how many death boxes I also come across with Wingmans? Too many. There's a reason so many players are using them, especially good ones. It's the best weapon in the game, which is fine, a best weapon can exist and not disrupt the balance, but I think the Wingman has crossed that threshold.

Apex Legends is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more coverage on the game, click here.


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