
‘Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’ Has a Donald Trump Easter Egg

Assassin’s Cree Odyssey is YUGE – we mean huge – and the world of ancient Greece is littered with […]

Assassin’s Cree Odyssey is YUGE – we mean huge – and the world of ancient Greece is littered with Easter eggs for players to find. From sassy EA clapbacks, to throwbacks of love for Nintendo, there’s plenty to uncover in the journey as Alexios and Kassandra.

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With a game that is centered around political strife, it makes sense that there would be few nods to today’s present politically affiliations and that’s where this Donald Trump Easter egg comes in with the instantly recognizable MAGA slogan.

Taking a step back within the world ravaged by the Peloponnesian War, a MAGA nugget was found during the “Venomous Encounter” quest. Players during this quest are supposed to be hunting down any clues surrounding an attempted assassination, and it’s there after rescuing a character from a snake pit.

Choices Spoiler Ahead

Upon coming up on the conclusion of the quest, the player is faced with two options, one of them involving killing the bandit leader. Before taking him out once and for all he declares proudly, “We’ll never surrender to the likes of you. We will make Athens great again.” You can almost see the MAGA togas now.

It’s an easy Easter egg to miss because if you don’t choose that option, you don’t hear the line at all. That, and there’s no bright red hat to draw the eye either. Still, this world is massive with so many intricate stories that can play out many different ways – it’s part of the reason why it’s such an incredible game and has drawn the praises of everyone world-wide.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Want to see exactly why we had such high praises for the latest game? Check out our full review right here as well as a small blurb below:

“All in all, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a game changer for the franchise. Visually, narratively, historically – there isn’t a single thing I would want to change. Maybe my inner Dragon Age lover would have loved to be able to customize the look of my Kassandra, but that’s a silly little ‘What If’ and in no way damped my enjoyment.

The story was thrilling, heartbreaking at times, and progressive in a way that kept me engaged. Dynamic, immersive, and filled with choice, consequence, and the tumultuous tale of human love, loss, and lessons learned.”

EDIT: This was pointed out to me over on Twitter and I’m mildly ashamed that I missed this: