Battlefield 1 Now Lets Console Players Test Out Updates And Expansions Early

It’s become increasingly common for online shooters to have test servers that allow select [...]

(Photo: EA)

It's become increasingly common for online shooters to have test servers that allow select players to put new updates and content through the proper paces before they're released to the general public. Unfortunately, these test servers are typically only available on PC – console players are left out of the early access fun.

Well, that's no longer the case for Battlefield 1, as it's Community Test Environment (CTE) is now available on Xbox One and PS4. Getting set up is a simple process – just check out the "More" menu inside the game, select the CTE option, then fill out the application. The CTE download is a hefty one, over 40GB, but it may be worth it if you want the earliest possible access to all new Battlefield 1 content.

There are a few catches, of course – you need to be a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass member to get in on the CTE, and EA/DICE don't promise you'll be picked if you sign up. Also, since you're testing out early patches and updates, you're going to have to deal with glitches and other issues:

"The CTE is a Battlefield 1 environment where involved players can help us test new features, improved and changed content, and other experiments that aren't yet (and may never be) ready for public release. The CTE lets us share our development process with our players, get valuable feedback earlier, and keep improving the Battlefield 1 experience."

Now's a good time to sign up for the CTE, as Battlefield 1 has a new Lupkow Pass map coming this month, and major expansion, In the Name of the Tsar, coming in September. There's going to be plenty of stuff to test out!

Battlefield 1 is currently available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. You can check out WWG's latest coverage of the game, right here.