Battlefield 2042 Insider Warns Big Issue During Beta Won't Be Fixed for Launch

A prominent Battlefield 2042 insider has warned a big issue from the game's beta will not be fixed when the full product releases later this month on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. Going into Battlefield 2042's beta last month, many Battlefield fans were all aboard the hype train. By the end of it, the hype train came to a dead stop. Not only was the beta in rough shape from a technical perspective, but it was quickly called out for missing a host of features, features that still haven't been added and that won't be added in time for release. What also won't be ready for release is a fix for the frame drop issues. 

Taking to Twitter, the aforementioned insider, Tom Henderson, relayed word that he's spoken to a few developers on the game, all of whom have told him that the game's frame drop issues, which were on display in the beta and the trailers, won't be fixed until after launch. When exactly after launch, isn't divulged.

"I reached out to a few [DICE] developers in regards to the Battlefield 2042 frame drop issues in the trailers and the consensus was 'It is what it is until after launch'," said Henderson.

If this is true, this could be a big problem for Battlefield 2042. Not only could this negatively impact reviews, but as the cliche warns, you only get one first impression. Some games bottle lthe aunch, and they never recover from it. And considering that Halo Infinite and Call of Duty: Vanguard are releasing in close proximity, DICE and EA can't afford to have this happen.

Battlefield 2042 is scheduled to release worldwide on November 19, 2021 via the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. For more coverage on the upcoming first-person shooter -- including all of the latest news, all of the latest rumors and leaks, and all of the latest speculation -- click here.