Beyond Good and Evil 2 Report Reveals Bad News for Highly Anticipated Ubisoft Game

Beyond Good and Evil 2 appears to be in a confusing place right now, much to the dismay of those who have waited literal decades for this game. Beyond Good and Evil 2 is the sequel to a pretty old Ubisoft game that has remained a cult classic for many years now. Demand for a sequel has always been present, making it one of gaming's white whales for some fans, but for a while, it looked like it would never happen. Thankfully, in 2017, Ubisoft confirmed it was really happening and for at least a year it looked like solid progress was being made even if it appeared to still be a ways out. After that, the game kinda just vanished and key talent on the game left the project, leaving questions about its future. Ubisoft reassured fans it was still happening, but it still appears to be quite a ways off.

Just recently, Beyond Good and Evil 2 got its lead writer, which suggests the story either hasn't been written at all or may be re-written in a major way. Either way, it didn't suggest that the game is near completion and a new report from Tom Henderson via eXputer seems to back up this concern. The report noted that some footage was leaked from a recent external playtest and looked far more incomplete than the 2018 demo Ubisoft showed off at that time, suggesting the game had a major overhaul. Sources stated that Beyond Good and Evil 2 "lacks direction" and feels "years away". It was also noted that one person who experienced the recent playtest had no idea what they were actually supposed to be doing while playing.

Of course, some playtests aren't meant to be a very coherent experience for the whole game. Sometimes they're done to test very specific features, but it's unclear what the content or purpose of this playtest was. Either way, it seems that some people are walking away with negative impressions of Beyond Good and Evil 2. It seems to also be years away from releasing at this point. Only time will tell how it will turn out.

Are you interested in Beyond Good and Evil 2? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.