BioShock 4 Reveals Exciting New Details

Some exciting new details associated with the development of BioShock 4--which is the placeholder [...]

Some exciting new details associated with the development of BioShock 4--which is the placeholder title for the next installment in the first-person shooter series--have now emerged. While this new bit of information doesn't have anything to do with the story, gameplay, or setting that the next game in the franchise will feature, it does tell us that we should expect it to be quite ambitious in scope.

Seen via a new job listing at Cloud Chamber, which is the studio working on BioShock 4, the next game in the series is seemingly be created within Unreal Engine 5. This was mentioned quite directly in the description for the role which explained that the expected hire would, "Work within Unreal Engine 5 adapting existing systems and building new technology in order to fulfill the project's technical needs and creative goals."

If you're unsure of why this is a big deal, Unreal Engine 5 is one of the most advanced game engines that we have seen come about in recent years. First unveiled by Epic Games last year, the engine is meant to bring games to an all-new level of visual fidelity that we haven't seen in the past. The BioShock series as a whole is one that has been created within previous iterations of the Unreal Engine, so it's not shocking to see Cloud Chamber return to it this time around.

As mentioned, all of this is to say that BioShock 4 is likely going to look incredible whenever we do end up getting around to seeing it in action. However, seeing it in action for the first time is something that we still don't know when to expect. We've heard in the past that BioShock 4 is still pretty far out from releasing. That being said, with both E3 2021 and Summer Game Fest happening within the next few weeks, perhaps we'll get our first look at it during this span of time.

BioShock 4 still doesn't have a release date of any sort, but it will likely be coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC whenever it does see the light of day.

Are you hoping that BioShock 4 makes an appearance over the next month during E3 season? Let me know either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.