Playing video games can cause a ruckus sometimes, as one Florida couple found out when police surrounded their home while they were playing Call of Duty.
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Yesterday, Florida police responded to a potential domestic violence 911 call from neighbors who thought they heard a disturbance, but it turned out the couple were simply trying to enjoy some night time gaming while the windows were open.
“Hi, I’m calling because I hear my neighbors fighting down the street from me and I’m a little bit concerned with what their saying,” the 911 caller said. “Uh, my sister lives with me and she was out there smoking a cigarette and she heard them screaming something like a woman saying ‘No, please don’t kill me.’
The 911 caller continued:
‘Then when I walked out there I heard a man say, ‘Why did you take my gun?’ and that’s when I got kinda concerned.”
Responding the to the call, multiple police officers surrounded the home and ordered the couple to come outside. At this point, it was believed that one person may be armed.
Three people exited the home, and revealed to police that there was no issue, rather things just got a little boisterous during some Call of Duty.
According to a local Florida news channel, police searched the home and found no weapons. Further, no charges were pressed.
Interestingly, it’s never revealed what Call of Duty entry the couple were playing when all of this went down. However, presumably it was the newest addition to the franchise: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, which released last month.
Whatever the case, this story serves as a reminder to not get too loud when playing games. I mean, if you’re playing Super Mario Odyssey or FIFA 19, you’re loudness isn’t likely to get you in trouble. But if you’re playing any game were killing or guns are involved, what you say while playing, if said too loudly, could have the police knocking on your door.
Anyway, feel free to leave a comment to let us know what you think. Have you ever heard of anything like this happening?
Source: Local 10 (ABC News)