
‘Call of Duty Blackout’ Update Introduces the Blightfather, More Tweaks

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 beta for the Battle Royale-esque Blackout mode is winding down, set […]

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 beta for the Battle Royale-esque Blackout mode is winding down, set to close up shop tomorrow. But Treyarch has provided some new content for its latest update for the beta, bringing a few scares right along with it.

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As provided by its latest Reddit post, the developer noted, “A new horror seeks to destroy all who approach its domain. The Blightfather has been temporarily transported from the upcoming Zombies experience, IX, to the proving grounds of Blackout. Great rewards await those ready to challenge themselvesโ€ฆ”

Here are some of the things that the team is keeping track of with its beta:

  • Crashes/Performance Issues on PC: With so many variables at play on the PC platform, we’re always tracking and investigating new reports of crashes and other issues on PC.
  • Xbox Button: We’ve gotten reports that some Xbox One users may lose controller input after pressing the Xbox Button while playing the Blackout Beta. We’re aware of this issue and will have it fixed for launch.
  • Mystery Box: Some players have asked about the precise interaction between the blue column of light on the map and the Mystery Box. In the Beta, the light denotes that Zombies have spawned at that location. Players must kill the last zombie in an area for the next box to spawn. At launch, the Mystery Box will initially spawn at Zombies-themed locations and will appear to be locked. Once the last zombie is killed that area, the box will unlock and can be looted. Write that one down for October 12th. You can find more details about the Mystery Box here.
  • Redeploy: It’s been suggested that we allow players to Redeploy when the game is over for their team without needing to go back to the lobby. We like this idea too, and have added it to the To Do list for evaluation.

Here are some additional tips for players as well:

  • Locked On: When an enemy fires a locked-on missile at your vehicle, you will hear an alert that increases in speed as the missile closes in on your vehicle. Use this alert to know when it’s time to bail.
  • Base Jump: Redeploy your Wingsuit by sprinting and jumping off a ledge while holding the jump button for a short period of time. Make sure you’ve got enough room. You won’t deploy the Wingsuit if you aren’t up high enough. Great locations to base jump from include the road atop the Hydro Dam, the open floors in the skyscraper at Construction Site, and the main Fracking Tower. It’s a skill well worth developing.
  • Extended Barrel: The Extended Barrel Attachment increases the muzzle velocity of the weapon that it’s attached to. This means you’ll see less bullet drop and longer effective ranges.
  • Zombie Power: Zombies become stronger with each stage of the Collapse. This means they’ll soak up more damage as the match progresses. You’ve been warned.
  • Wingsuit Like A Pro: During initial deployment, the Altimeter shown on the right of the screen will display three arrows once you’ve reached maximum possible speed (about 71 m/s). If you wish to travel the maximum distance possible, point straight down at the ground and hit maximum speed for a brief amount of time. Then, pull up to be nearly horizontal with the ground below to cover the most distance. Continue to hold forward on the left stick, or you’ll stall and fall short of your intended Destination.
  • Underwater: When underwater, you will gasp for air a few seconds before you start taking damage due to lack of oxygen. Dive to the surface when you hear the gasps to prevent taking damage.
  • Re-Armor Up: The Armor icon on your HUD will show its current status through damage states. If your Armor looks heavily damaged, it’s probably best to replace it with the next fresh Armor you come across.

Hopefully today’s send-off of the beta will have players hungry for more. Y’know, unless the Blightfather gets in their wayโ€ฆ

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 releases on October 12 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.