
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Devs Share Update on Party Crash Fix


Update: Infinity Ward shared another tweet on Saturday saying the “update is now live” and that “players in parties should see significant improvement.”

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Original: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players who tried to party up and play with one another across platforms this weekend were often met with a nasty surprise in the form of full-on game crashes that prevented people from playing together. Infinity Ward addressed the issue on Friday following the multiple reports about crashes while acknowledging the problem, and in an update shared a few hours afterwards, the developer shared some insights as to when the fix for this problem will be out.

However, the answer isn’t one that those plagued by crashes will want to hear. Infinity Ward said it will “be deploying a mitigation for party related crashes tomorrow morning.” That tweet was shared at 1:07 a.m. PDT, according to the timestamp on the update, so that would mean that the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 crash fix for parties won’t be out until Sunday morning.

That’s only one day away, so not long at all, but given that the problem is affecting the game right at launch, it’s going to feel like a lot longer for those who can’t party up with one another. Call of Duty releases themselves have become a social event of sorts where parties reconvene to play the latest Activision has to offer, so some players were understandably bummed that the fix wouldn’t be out for a full day. Others were a bit more understanding of the plight of the developers and praised the relatively quick turnaround given that these sorts of issues are commonplace in launches as big as the one for Modern Warfare 2.

Some are holding out hope that the timing of the tweet actually means that an update is going out today on Saturday given that the tweet was shared in the wee hours of the morning when most Call of Duty players were probably still up playing anyway, though no further updates on the matter have been shared by Infinity Ward at this time. The developer’s had no shortage of tweets acknowledging concerns since the game released, so we can expect another to be shared once Infinity Ward has something new on the situation.