
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Leaks and Spoilers Are Pouring in Online

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s release is now less than a day away which means it’s time for […]

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s release is now less than a day away which means it’s time for the leaks, spoilers, and the occasionally helpful reveal to start pouring in. The deluge of pre-release information has already begun online as people got their hands on copies of the game either legitimately or through broken street dates. Responses to these leaks vary from Activision’s apparent takedowns of pre-released footage to those who help to circulate the leaks while also taking the time to mark them as spoilers so as not to ruin anyone’s experience.

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To Activision’s credit, actual Modern Warfare leaks have been hard to come across in the months leading up to the game’s release with only rumors fueling speculations about what the full game might look like. Now that the game has released in areas like New Zealand though โ€“ and like any new release, people have been changing their platforms’ regions to play early elsewhere โ€“ footage from the game and breakdowns of game modes and customization items have been appearing more frequently.

If you’re a Modern Warfare fan with an aversion to seeing those leaks, you’ll want to probably stay out of the usual Modern Warfare communities on social media until the game’s in your hands. If you’re not worried about spoilers though, the place to be seems to be the Modern Warfare subreddit. It’s got a ton of information about what’s happening in the game right now, what the customizations look like, and what game modes are active as well as pretty much anything else about Modern Warfare that you’d like to know. It’s also got its fair share of non-spoiler content right now like the meme below that’ll probably be resonating with a lot of people right now.

For those who want less spoilers by still want more hype for the game, you’re probably safe to stay tuned in to what’s happening over at the official Call of Duty Twitter account. It’s been counting down the days until the game’s launch with brief teasers shared periodically along with news of other promotions like a Burger King crossover.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare releases for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC platforms and will be fully available on October 25th.