
New York Times Connections Answers for March 10th

We have the answers for today’s Connections from The New York Times!

Want to know how to solve todayโ€™s Connections? Weโ€™ve got what you need as we have all the correct categories and answers for March 10thโ€™s Connections puzzle for the New York Times. Since 2023, Connections has become one of The New York Timesโ€™ most popular games, going up against titles like Spelling Bee, Wordle, and Strands. With fun category-based gameplay and tricky wordplay, the game has captured the minds of tons of players, especially with the daily puzzles. Much like yesterday, todayโ€™s Connections is on the harder side regarding its categories. Fortunately, we can help with the answers and hints for March 10thโ€™s Connections so you can keep that streak going.

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In terms of gameplay, every puzzle in Connections has four secret different categories that link to four of the 16 words available. Select four that may be related and, if youโ€™re correct, it will group them into their common association, or connection, if you will. Each category has its own color, with yellow being the easiest, then green, blue, and the hardest, purple. The categories can range from outdoor sports or car companies to Shakespearean words or last names of vice presidents. You only have four strikes and, if you run out, you lose your streak. Luckily, if you want to maintain your streak but canโ€™t figure out what the answers are, weโ€™ve got you covered.

These are the words for today’s connections

Today, March 10th, continues yesterdayโ€™s streak of difficulty, with some of them being incredibly specific. The words in Connections for March 10th are as follows: Mona Lisa, Statue of Liberty, Bowling, Sphynx, Venus de Milo, Joker, Russian Blue, Rug, White Russian, Liberty Bell, Comedy Mask, Turkish Angora, Ragamuffin, Cheshire Cat, Bathrobe, and Tower of Pisa. If you donโ€™t want to spoil the answers but want a hint, here is one for each category: 

  • Yellow: Felines of all shapes and sizes
  • Green: Say cheese!
  • Blue: These places didnโ€™t age well
  • Purple: We abide, dude

If you want to know the themes for todayโ€™s puzzle, here are the categories for March 10thโ€™s Connections:

  • Yellow: Cat Breeds
  • Green: Famous Smiles
  • Blue: Attractions Iconically Different From Their Original Forms
  • Purple: Associated with โ€˜The Dudeโ€™ Lebowski

If you want to know the answers as to what words go into the categories, here are the answers to Connections for March 10th:

  • Yellow: Ragamuffin, Russian Blue, Sphynx, Turkish Angora
  • Green: Cheshire Cat, Comedy Mask, Joker, Mona Lisa
  • Blue: Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, Tower of Pisa, Venus de Milo
  • Purple: Bathrobe, Bowling, Rug, White Russian

Did you get the correct answers? What was the hardest category today? Let us know in the comments below! For everything Connections, NYC Games, and gaming, keep it here at ComicBook.