
New York Times Connections Answers for March 7th

These are the answers for today’s Connections, including the Severance references!

Having trouble with todayโ€™s Connections puzzle? Well, weโ€™ve got what you need as we have the correct answers for March 7thโ€™s Connections puzzle for the New York Times. Since June 2023, Connections has proven to be quite the popular game from The New York Times Games, going up against other games like Wordle, Spelling Bee, and Strands. For many, the additive gameplay and thought-provoking associations keep players on their toes. With todayโ€™s Connections, thereโ€™s some references to the hit Apple TV+ show, Severance, which airs today. Need some help with figuring the categories out? We at ComicBook are here to help and can help you maintain your streak and keep playing on.

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Every day, there is a new puzzle for Connections. Each one always has four secret different themes that correlate to four of the 16 words or symbols available. Select four that match and, if correct, it will group them into their common association, or connection, if you will. Each category has its own color, with yellow being the easiest, then green, blue, and the hardest, red. The categories can range from famous one-named singers or types of trees to words that sound like other words or, in this case, references to Severance. You only have four strikes and, if you run out, you lose your streak. Luckily, if you want to maintain your record but canโ€™t figure out the answers, weโ€™ve got you covered.

Several severance references are in today’s Connections.

Today, March 7th, has some clever Easter eggs from TV show Severance, which aired its eighth episode today. The words in Connections for March 7th are as follows: Buffalo, Ample, Label, Cash, Mercury, Seal, Irving, Dylan, Poach, Label, Lumon, Mark, Phoenix, Helena, Dote, and Stamp.

For Severance fans, the words Dylan, Mark, Helena, Irving, and Lumon likely struck a chord considering they are in reference to the main characters of the show, as well as the company they work for. Unfortunately, there is no Severance category, despite the connection between them.

If you donโ€™t want to spoil the answers but want a hint, here is one for each category of Today’s Connections:

  • Yellow: Similar to a family crest
  • Green: Timothee Chalamet was nominated for an Oscar for one
  • Blue: You can find these on a map of the United States
  • Purple: A food group but intentionally spelled wrong

If you want to know the themes for todayโ€™s puzzle, here are the categories for March 7thโ€™s Connections:

  • Yellow: Emblem
  • Green: Subjects Of Acclaimed Musical Biopics
  • Blue: U.S. Cities
  • Purple: Fruits With Their Second Letters Changed

If you want to know the answers as to what words go into the categories, here are the answers to Connections for March 7th:

  • Yellow: Label, Seal, Stamp, Mark
  • Green: Cash, Dylan, Brown, Mercury
  • Blue: Helena, Phoenix, Irving, Buffalo
  • Red: Dote, Lumon, Poach, Ample

Did you get the correct answers? What was the hardest category today? Are you planning to watch Severance on Apple TV+? Let us know in the comments below! For everything Connections, NYC Games, Severance, and gaming, keep it here at ComicBook.