
New Cyberpunk 2077 Wallpaper Hides Great Pulp Fiction Easter Egg

CD Projekt Red has released a new (and free) Cyberpunk 2077 wallpaper to decorate your computer, […]

CD Projekt Red has released a new (and free) Cyberpunk 2077 wallpaper to decorate your computer, phone, and more with. Like everything about the upcoming PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC role-playing game, the wallpaper looks incredible. Not only is the attention to detail superb, but the art design is equally great. I’ve long criticized the game’s art direction, suggesting it has too much of futurism-inspired look that over relies on neon colors and shock factor. Personally, I prefer my cyberpunk darker, grittier, wetter, and more experimental. However, while the game doesn’t boast the look I would have preferred, there’s no doubting it’s a looker. Whether it’s an in-game screenshot or a wallpaper meticulously crafted by an artist: it looks great.

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That said, hidden within this wallpaper is an interesting Pulp Fiction Easter Egg, which is odd, because you don’t normally stuff Easter Eggs into a wallpaper for a game. However, there is one, though it’s very, very easy to miss.

If you haven’t seen the wallpaper, it shows the protagonist on the subway, with riot police trying to break into where the protagonist is while keeping the crowd at bay. That said, carved into the seat where the protagonist is sitting is the following Pulp Fiction quote: “Does he look like a b****.” Now, it’s unclear why this Easter Egg is in the wallpaper, but there’s presumably no important explanation. That said, it does seem to tease that there will be plenty of Easter Eggs in the game, and perhaps a few that pay homage to Pulp Fiction.

Cyberpunk 2077 is in development for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC. Barring any further delays, it will release worldwide on September 17, 2020. For more news, media, rumors, and leaks on the game, be sure to take a second and peruse all of our past and recent coverage of the title by clicking right here.