New Details Revealed About Cyberpunk 2077's Trauma Team

While many fans are counting down the days until this year's E3 in order to (hopefully) receive [...]

While many fans are counting down the days until this year's E3 in order to (hopefully) receive some more information regarding the release of Cyberpunk 2077, the creator of the original tabletop adventure has been busy talking about inspirations when he was writing the initial installment. Mike Pondsmith recently took to the Cyberpunk subreddit to chime in on one person's post pertaining the Trauma Team featured in the gameplay demo that was shown off last year. According to Reddit user "Krimzonboi," the Trauma Team took one minute and five seconds to arrive, despite their initial 3-minute report.

This prompted Pondsmith to respond with a fact about how he created the Trauma Team. "Trauma Team was invented because at the time I was writing Cyberpunk, I had no way to get a "cleric" or "healer" on scene fast enough to save a dying player," he said. "The AV4 came about because a paramedic pal of mine was always pitching about the idiot drivers blocking his ambulance when on a call and used too say it was easier when he was in evac choppers.

"The result was a group of heavily armed medics who showed up in a flying ambulance to save your butt in three minutes (a Cyberpunk 'turn' is 3.2 seconds, so that's roughly ten turns of bleed out.). Later, a very similar version just 'showed up' in Shadowrun, which tells me they had the same problem we had."

There you have it - that's how the Trauma Team came about in the original tabletop game. "And you guys thought I just come up with this stuff right out of my head," Pondsmith continued. "Silly punks."

Cyberpunk 2077 is currently without a release date, but it is currently in development for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For even more on the highly anticipated title from CD Projekt Red, check out some of our previous coverage.

What do you think about all of this? Do you think it's pretty neat to learn more about the origins of the Trauma Team that is featured in the Cyberpunk universe? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!