Dead by Daylight Players Hope for Custom Maps After Tease

Dead by Daylight creators Behaviour Interactive are big on teasing what's to come through the occasional image or video shared via socials, and this week, one such teaser got players hoping for something that'd be particularly exciting to those who often play with others: Custom maps. A video teased a version of the MacMillan Estate Realm that looks different from what players would typically expect to see on the map, a tease which has led to these speculations about custom maps potentially being added to the game. Behaviour has not yet confirmed anything, however, so it could just be that this is a preview of general map changes to come.

You can judge the teaser below for yourself to see if you think custom maps are on the horizon or not. The Dead by Daylight Twitter account called out special attention towards the tiles which consist of the environmental obstacles players must traverse on any given map within a Realm. It's evident from that point that tiles have indeed been added and rearranged, but the teaser tweet stopped short of explaining what was actually going on.

Though the verdict isn't unanimous regarding what this might be teasing, people in the replies hoped that it was for custom maps wherein players could adjust tiles accordingly to create their own version of one of the Entity's Realms. The idea was picked up elsewhere, too, with players offering their own interpretations of what might be happening.

One of the alternatives to this custom map idea is that the teaser refers simply to some of the ways maps will be updated with new tiles to freshen things up a bit. Maps are adjusted off and on, but the MacMillan Estate hasn't been touched in a while, so perhaps it's time for an update itself if that's indeed what's being teased here as opposed to custom maps.

Whatever's coming, we shouldn't have to wait long. Behaviour typically follows its teaser tweets up with a reveal within the week or so, so expect to see more about this in the coming days.