
Destiny 2 Weekly Resets Explained – What You Need To Focus On

With Destiny 2 in full force for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players, there’s a lot of discussion […]

With Destiny 2 in full force for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players, there’s a lot of discussion around new raids, Public Events, and what the heck to do post-game. Once the main campaign is completed, the world within the Bungie sequel becomes a little more busy, especially for those seeking glory in the Crucible. To make a little more sense of the grind, it’s important to know about things such as weekly resets. Don’t worry, we’ve got your covered.

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Destiny 2 currently has a power cap level set approximately at 300 and the most efficient way of getting there is by picking up the best loot drops for both armor and weapons. This is pretty standard for both MMOs and RPGs, and with Destiny 2 being both; it makes sense that this is how the highest level possible is achieved.

Finding that coveted loot becomes infinitely easier once a player’s Guardian has reached the experience cap, which is currently set to 20. When looking for the best gear to level that power, players should be on the lookout for both Legendary and Exotic loot. Legendaries will be marked with as purple, while Exotics are marked as yellow.

The easiest way to get these sort of drops comes from Public Events, crucible challenges, and strikes. For those finished with the main game’s events have have a achieved a power level (usually 260+) to take part in the high-intensity activities such as the Leviathan Raid and the Nightfall Strike. Every week these specific activities reset, giving players tons of opportunity to get their desired gear. What’s important is knowing when this reset occurs and where to go for what you want.

Reset Guide

Bungie let players know recently about the specific reset times that those mid-grind need to watch out for. This is particularly important for players interested in adventures when it comes to the daily resets, while other events are set to a weekly schedule.ย 

  • Daily Resets
    • Adventures and challenges resets at 02:00 PDT
  • Weekly Resets
    • Strikes, raids, endgame events, clan rewards, meditations, and milestones (essentially everythingย notย adventures and challenges) reset every Tuesday at 02:00 PDT

When these resets occur, so does the loot, giving players an adequateย amount of chances to fight for the gear that they are looking for. Meditations via Ikoraย Rey are also included in this reset schedule, giving clans ample amount of time for specific group rewards.ย 

New strikes, such as the current Nightfall, will reveal new modifersย in addition to brand new challenges. For those working on the Leviathan raid, it needs to be completed successfullyย beforeย this weekly schedule comes to pass. If not, all progress will be lost and fireteams will need to start over. Checkpoints and keys will both be taken away from the player’s inventory every Tuesday at 02:00 PDT. This is very important!ย 

What’s the difference between activities in Destiny 2?

There is a lot to do in the world of Destiny 2, even more so once the main game’s storyline is completed. For those who may be unfamiliar with Destiny or are perhaps new to the MMOย genre, this will help make it a little easier to decide which events are right for you and your group. Playing solo? There a few aspects to the endgame that require small fireteams, but teaming up with randoms is also an option. Here’s what you need to know regarding the different activity types in the Bungie sequel:


Adventures are fun little side-quests that end with useful loot. Each one contains a mini-story outside of the main questline to allow players to power up with new gear and experience. Each one will also have a recommended Power Level to make it easier for Guardians to discernย which adventures are worth embarking on. Just like the challenges, adventure drops will reset every day versus every week like everything else.


These are found everywhere and chances are, you’ve stumbled into one on accident during your campaign playthrough. For those that also took part in the original Destiny, the way challenges are set us will be very familiar.ย 

Challenges are made up of short missions most commonly seen as patrol sequences. For those completionists in the Destiny-verse, there is a reward for successfully completing all challenges in a zone in ย the form of a token that can be used to trade with vendors in the game, such as the lovable sniper Devrim Kay found in the European Dead Zone. These tokens can be traded in for legendary gear or engrams, which are good for in-game purchases.ย 

Challenges are also the easiest way to grind for gear since they reset on a daily basis.ย 



Open up the Director to find the milestones portion. There, new activities will be added prompting players to complete X amount of challenges, participate in public events, taking on the Crucible, and more. Essentially milestones are put into place to encourage players to do more, to aim for the highest rewards, and to continue on in the world within Destiny 2.ย 

Milestones are a part of the weekly reset and are valuable assets to the game when looking for legendary or exotic gear. This is another key way to amp up that power level in the most effective way possible.

Clan Rewards

Clans were an exciting re-introduction into the world of Destiny 2,ย and gives the more sociable players in the MMOย a chance to be rewarded for their teamwork and progress within the game.ย 

Being in a clan is powerful for this game. By doing the exact same challenges, adventures, and public events as before but now as part of a clan infinitely boosts the rewards, XP, and perks for all involved members. Clan rewards, including the 5,000 XP contributed per member, are also a part of the weekly reset, giving more opportunities for the group to level and unlock special in-game attributes not available for solo players.

Legendary engrams, special event tickets (Such as the Trial of the Nine), and more are a part of the rewards given to those that partake in clan activities.ย 



This aspect of the game comes from Ikoraย Rey found in the Tower. It offersย players the ability to go back into certain missions of the Destiny 2 main campaign in order to earn Vanguard Research Tokens in order to earn reputation points. Earn a higher reputation with Rey, more rewards will follow. For those looking for legendaries, the utilization of meditations in exchange for legendary engramsย and more is very much worth the effort.ย 

You can also learn more about the Trial of the Nines, Leviathan raid, and the Nightfall strike with our previous coverage, as well as our guide on how to unlock those desired subclasses.

Destiny 2 is now available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players, with a PC release slated for October 24th.